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[CLICK THIS PAGE FIRST, IMPORTANT INFO AND LINKS HERE]  Hello and thank you for visiting! I'm DramaPajamas, you can call me Drama, DP, o...

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Intimism, Chapter 4

[Standard Content Warning: This is an ABDL story blog, that means stories on this page contain diapers, diaper usage (like, lots of it), infantilism and the like! In addition, mental and physical manipulation, bondage and nonconsensual or dubiously consensual employment of all of the above themes and many others may also apply. Viewer discretion is advised.] 

[Small note, I have a Bluesky account now! ABDL twitter seems preeeettty dead, but I'll try to keep an eye on both. I dunno, maybe I'll try and throw some micro-fiction or something on the Bluesky if any ideas jump out at me.] 

There was too many stained sheets and articles of clothing here for this to be an isolated incident, this had clearly been happening for the past couple of days at least. And Evie had only been here for a couple days. Evie just stood there in the door way, rooted to the spot, unable to do anything to avoid the slow motion car crash of Inara gathering up the evidence of all of the accidents she’d been having since she got here.

“Evie,” Inara said with a light sigh as she piled up clothes in her arms. “I do wish you’d told me this would be an issue before you’d arrived, I would have been able to accommodate your needs better.” Evie furrowed her brow and then shook her head.

“No, no, no! It’s not - I didn’t know it was — I don’t have an issue! This has never happened before, I swear!” She insisted. Between the pile of currently soaked or in-the-very-recent-past-soaked clothes and sheets in her hand and the way Evie stammered out her denial, Inara looked…..dubious. To say the least.

“Evie, my dear, if that were so, why didn’t you say anything when it started happening and why were you trying to hide it at breakfast. Clearly, this is what you were so anxious about.” She gestured to the pile in her hands.

“I….I didn’t know how to explain it!” Evie exclaimed. “I didn’t want you to get upset and I — how can you explain something like this happening?!” She gestured at the pile.

“It would have been fine if you had just told me this ahead of time, Evie. I wanted to welcome you into my home, I wouldn’t have had any problem making this kind of an accommodation for you.” Evie swallowed. Her head was buzzing at a million miles an hour right now, it barely even occurred to her that she had kind of admitted to having accidents like this regularly before she’d even arrived on the island. Or at the very least, that was certainly what Inara thought was the case, now. Was that worse? It felt like that was much worse. This had quickly become a waking nightmare and honestly, the only thing going through Evie’s head right now was bail out.

“I’m. I’m sorry.” The apology got another weary sigh out of Inara. “I’m gonna just. I’ll call Amaya to come back with the boat and I’ll just leave. I’m s—“ And before Evie could get out another apology, Inara was dropping the pile of soon-to-be-laundry and touching a hand to the girl’s shoulder.

“Evie, you’re not doing that,” she said, her voice firm. “I want you to stay.”


“We agreed that you would be welcome in my home for two weeks and that’s what I want you to do. I want to continue your lessons. And besides that, if you leave now, when are we going to discuss our art gallery?” Evie blinked and finally looked up from the floor, looking into Inara’s eyes.

“…our art gallery?” She asked. Inara just nodded. Evie swallowed. “Y…you’re sure you’re not upset?”

“Evie, my heart,” she said softly. “You haven’t done a thing that could upset me.” She leaned in and gave Evie a kiss on the forehead, which got a small noise of surprise out of the girl. “Now. Go get cleaned up. Leave your clothes outside the bathroom. I’ll get the laundry started.”

Evie didn’t know what to say. After a few seconds of silence, her arms came up and they slowly wrapped around Inara’s waist. A smile came to Inara and she returned it, hugging Evie back. Evie murmured something about taking Inara’s suggestion and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

Evie stood under the hot water for longer than she needed to, just mentally trying to parse everything that had happened. That…hadn’t gone at all how she’d wanted, but somehow it had also gone better than she could’ve hoped? Her decision to try and (poorly, sloppily) hide the evidence of her accidents had been predicated on the fear that if Inara discovered them, she’d be disgusted with her and throw her out of her house.

It took her a while to realize that she was still in the shower because some part of her was afraid the other shoe was still going to drop. That the second she walked out, Inara would be standing there, waiting, having changed her mind and would start aggressively scolding her. That realization convinced her to finish up and get out of the shower. When she left the bathroom, all of the “compromised” clothes and sheets were gone. The bed had new sheets on it - unfortunately for Evie, she pretty much didn’t have any clean clothes left, but, Inara had apparently thought of that, too. Only…Evie didn’t know if she loved the solution.

The pants were fine, she guessed, just soft pink-and-white checkerboard pattern pajama shorts, the kind of thing she was pretty sure she would be fine wearing in normal circumstances. The rest of it, though….there was a shirt and underwear, also both pink, with some kind of cartoon characters on them, they looked like young girls with like. Sparkles and stuff and brightly colored dresses that probably looked good on a toy of some kind…it was bad enough that they were front and center on the shirt, but the panties had the same characters on them too. And when Evie picked them up, the texture of them felt different to the touch than her regular underwear. She ran her fingers over them, then pinched them in her hands a bit. The realization made her groan - these were padded underwear. And to drive it home, she realized something extra had been placed into the inside of them.

Inara had given her padded training panties - and then inserted an extra pad for good measure. Evie felt her face burning up as she tossed them back on the bed.

“I-Inara?” Evie poked her head out of the bedroom. It didn’t take Inara long to approach.

“I put all of your things in the laundry, it should only be a couple hours now,” she said unprompted. “Did you find the clothes I left you?”

“Y…yeah, I did,” Evie said tentatively. “A…aren’t they kind of….childish?” She asked.

“You don’t like them?” Inara asked, sounding a little bit surprised. She thought for a second, as if trying to come up with alternatives. “Well, I looked through all of the spare clothes I keep in the house…I believe that was all I was able to find in your size that fits the situation.”

“I-it’s not that I don’t like them, I just…” Evie grimaced. Part of her didn’t feel good that after Inara had been so kind to her earlier, she was being so particular about the replacement clothes she was wearing to, you know, replace all of the clothes that she couldn’t stop wetting herself in. But for the moment, her embarrassment won out over her politeness and pushed her forward. “Can I. Maybe borrow any of your clothes?” She asked. Inara gave her a slightly confused look, furrowing her brow. It wasn’t the kind of look that said, for example, that it was absurd that Evie could ask for a pair of Inara’s underwear after they’d both seen what had happened to Evie’s last few pairs. It was almost like she didn’t understand the question.

Inara very lightly pushed the door a little more open. She put her hands on her own waist. Then she held her hands in front of Evie’s waist. There was a notable gap between Evie’s waist and Inara’s hands on either side. She didn’t have to say anything else. Evie just turned her head away, somehow finding a new thing to feel embarrassed about.

“I’m gonna. Just. Get dressed,” she murmured and closed the door. She grabbed the panties off of the bed and let out a sigh. She slipped the pink training panties up her legs, feeling the padding and the insert lightly press against her body as they slid into place. She instantly felt the odd thickness whenever she moved, bringing a fresh grimace to her face. She tried not to focus on it and put on the shorts and the shirt next. She checked herself in the mirror to see if it was noticeable what she was wearing. With the smiling characters on the front of her shirt she did in fact, look like an overgrown kid who was too precluded with some cartoon, but, with the long shirt and baggy shorts, at least it wasn’t obvious that she was also an overgrown kid who couldn’t stop wetting herself.

“Do you not like it?” Inara asked again when Evie came out. “I know it’s not what you’re used to, I just want to be safe, dear.” Evie let out a sigh - she couldn’t really argue with that anymore, she supposed. Inara was just trying to protect her own furniture and Evie’s clothes. She couldn’t really argue with that.

“I - it’s fine,” she said. “I just feel a little…childish.” She grimaced. “I guess for more reasons than one.” She really had no idea what had happened to her, if she’d gotten sick or if it was in her head or what, but whatever it was, she couldn’t believe how suddenly it had happened and how quickly it had brought her to this point. Inara tapped her chin a couple times, then lightly took a bit of Evie’s shirt between her fingers.

“Perchance, do you know what this is from?” She asked. Evie furrowed her brow. She wasn’t sure what Inara meant, why would she recognize something from a show for kids? But she looked down at the design and thought about it for a second and slowly, she realized…

“I….think I do?” She said, sounding unsure. “I, uh. I actually think I’ve seen this before, now that I think about it….”

“Mmmn. Allow me to make a proposition,” she said, taking her hand off of Evie’s shirt and looping her arm around the girl’s, gently guiding her down the hall. “My original idea for today’s main exercise was that we would watch a movie and discuss it. Then I would have you create something based on your personal findings from the film and discussion, both. But the subject matter of the film was…on the heavy side. After the morning you’ve had, I think you could benefit from something lighter.”

The two arrived in Inara’s living room. Evie had noted during the tour - she had a pretty nice TV. Not as nice as the one Evie had at home, of course. But still pretty good. Inara opened a drawer underneath the TV and began flipping through the contents. She pulled out a case. Evie saw the same characters on the cover, it was two girls. One had orange and black witchy-type clothes and a big staff in her hand. The other was in blue-and-white knightly clothes with a large shield over her arms. The title was in Japanese text, with English text underneath it.

[Magical Girls MagiHeart!

Volume 1: Partners of the Sun and Moon!]

Evie stared at it. She quirked an eyebrow and then looked at Inara.

“Instead of watching and discussing an art movie, we’re gonna watch an anime for kids?” She asked, sounding a little incredulous. She trusted Inara, but she was having a hard time seeing the point of this one. If anything, it felt sort of patronizing. Inara just chuckled and popped open the case.

“It beguiles the mind, doesn’t it? What could two adults in our prime get out of something like this?” She tapped a button on the TV and a disc tray opened. “Here’s my proposition for you. Watch one episode and draw a picture of something you see in that episode. If you don’t like the episode, or drawing from it, go ahead and stop. If you do like it…consider another episode and another picture. And so on, until you feel you’ve had enough.” She put the disc in and closed the tray. “Approach it with an open mind. Ask yourself what the value is in even the lightest and fluffiest parts of the art world. After all, a great deal of people put a great deal of effort into this, just to try and make as many people as they could reach happy.”

“Mrrrmmm….” Evie gave the TV a discerning look, then Inara. Inara could tell she had her doubts.

“One episode,” she said, holding up a finger. “Do you trust me enough for that?”

“Yyyes,” Evie said, without putting up a fight. “I trust you! Of course I do. What you’re saying…makes sense. I need to look for the value in all kinds of art, even in unexpected places.” Inara nodded. More to the point, Evie was just glad that Inara wasn’t disgusted with her and throwing her out of her house after the way this morning had gone, so….yes, she thought it was a little patronizing and goofy that she was sitting on Inara’s couch in a t-shirt and underwear based on this goofy kids anime while she watched it, trying to discern some kinda meaningful analysis from it, but, Inara had just asked her to pay attention for one episode, so…she was just gonna go along with it.

Inara eventually left to go take care of something. When she did, Evie slumped backwards against the couch and stopped caring so much about not letting her posture make it obvious that she was not into this.

“My name is Yumi Oka! I’m a Suuuuuuuuuuuuper Hot-Blooded Cartoonist! I’m the best at drawing at my school! Oh yeah, I’m also the best at board games, eheheheh! I’m gonna become a super big-shot next-level manga artist! You’re gonna see me in black and white someday!”

“My name is Annette Hirai. My hobbies are hiking, roller blading and baseball. I was born in France, but moved back to Japan with my mother and we live with my grandparents. My dream is to one day play for Samurai Japan in the Baseball World Cup.”

“Yaaaay, let’s do it with the power of friendship and whateverrrr…..” Evie’s eyes weren’t even on the TV anymore as the two main characters gave introductory voiceovers. She had resorted to sinking into the couch and scrolling on her phone. She had lasted about five minutes.

“Sooooo. What’re you in for?”

“I’m sorry?”

The two main characters were sitting in plastic chairs in a hallway, outside of an office. Yumi had her legs crossed and was leaning her chair halfway off the ground while Annette sat quietly with her hands folded in her lap.

“I’m here for this.” Yumi waved her wrist. It had a soft cast wrapped around it. “You ever break your arm before?”

“I - I’m not sure,” Annette muttered. “I think I broke my leg when I was youn—“

“Yeah, I fell down some stairs and it was like, KAPSSSHHHH! Bone shattered into a kajillion pieces. My arm was all floppy and stuff.” She waved her arm a bit to try and duplicate the effect. “Not like this, it was like totally rubbery. I couldn’t feel it at all with the stuff they gave me at the hospital. It was pretty sweet.”


Evie suddenly furrowed her brow and looked up from her phone. Something about this was…familiar. She squinted at the screen. Then she looked down at her shirt. Then back up at the screen, as the two characters kept talking about the apparently very cool injury that one of them had suffered.

“Oh, crap.” Evie set her phone down as the memory finally fully jarred loose and she realized, she had seen this show before. She suddenly remembered herself, at home, sitting on the floor in front of the couch next to Amaya. Mrs. Nightingale was nearby, of course, she had always kept an eye on both girls when they were young. And sitting on the couch behind them was…

Her mom. Mrs. Callahan.

Evie blinked a couple times. Her eyes focused more on the show in front of her and with each successive line, she realized she remembered more and more of it, all from that time she and Amaya had watched it with their moms. Suddenly, the thought hit her….how long had it been since the four of them had done something together like that?

That thought hung unanswered in her mind. Eventually, she grabbed her sketchbook and flipped it open, deciding that paying attention to the show and drawing something was better than dwelling on it. She tried to pay close attention to the design of the characters and the quality of the animation. She remembered something else - at one point in her mind, she had really cared about animation, but somewhere along the line, she’d stopped. That gave her an uneasy frown and doubled her focus.

The plot had a little bit more going on than she’d given it credit for up front. The girl who had broken her arm, Yumi, boasted about the injury like she was proud of it, but it turned out she wasn’t being entirely truthful about the circumstances of the injury or her feelings on it. Before the injury, she’d had dreams of becoming a popular manga artist, but after suffering nerve damage to her arm in an accident, she was afraid her left hand would never fully heal and she’d never be as good with her right hand. Of course, this all got significantly sillier when a monster from another dimension that fed on the negative emotions of human beings showed up.

“Representing fear with a scarecrow monster?” Evie murmured as she looked over the case of the DVD. “When was this made, I’m pretty sure they borrowed that from something…”

And of course, the middle school girl was the only one that could stand up to the monster and for her courage, she was rewarded with a little fairy sidekick and a magic gemstone and some magic words…

“Let’s go! MAGI-CHARGE! SUNFLOWER!” Yumi yelled as orange light spilled out of her sunflower-shaped gem.

“This is a flashy sequence….” Evie murmured as Yumi went through her elaborate transformation from Normal Girl into Magical Girl. When it was all said and done, she was wearing black-and-orange witch’s robes, ending in a frilly bell-shaped skirt and a big floppy hat on top.

Shockingly, the girl-turned-witch who talked about being MagiHeart Sun, The Warrior of Courage defeated the loathsome monster that boasted about feeding on people’s fear. Evie appreciated that Yumi’s weapon of choice was a witch’s staff shaped like a giant paintbrush. That was kind of cute.

Cute enough that it was what she decided to draw. She drew Yumi’s witch outfit and that big staff of hers, but when it came time to draw the girl herself….she decided to indulge herself a bit and draw a little cartoon version of herself. It wasn’t even that different. She was blond, Yumi was strawberry blond. It was close enough. She looked from her sketch to the screen as the episode concluded.

“I mean, I know it’s all just to sell toys - they got the girl in both her human form and her witch form, her little fairy sidekick, the monster and everything….but I gotta admit the design isn’t bad. Probably appealed to a lot of Japanese girls 20 years ago…” By the time the episode ended, she had to admit, she was remembering a bit why she had liked the show so long ago. So she picked up the remote and hit play on the next episode. This time, she left her phone on the couch next to her and paid a bit more attention.

The second episode followed the same formula as the first and was there to introduce the other main character, Annette. She had similarly big dreams of one day playing for the Japanese National Baseball Team, but she hadn’t played any baseball in almost a year now and none of her coaches, friends or teammates could figure out why. It turned out her mother was very ill and they could no longer do any of the physical activities they used to do together, so Annette had just lost her passion for sports entirely.

“Is this really a kids show about suffering nerve damage to your drawing arm and confronting your parents’ mortality?” Evie murmured as she looked at the back of the box. “This is heavy stuff to be dropping on kids right after they get out of school.”

And, just like the first episode, a monster showed up and began devouring people’s sadness and just like before, a middle school girl stood up to the monster, confronted her own sadness aaaand…..

“Bloom, Magi-Charge! Moonstone!” Annette called out as white light came from her gem. Another flashy transformation sequence and she was wearing a white-and-blue dress befitting a knight or perhaps a Valkyrie. Her weapon was a large circular shield, which in addition to defending innocent people, she threw like a disc, bouncing it off of the wall to strike her opponent from behind (which got Evie to squint at the screen. The scarecrow monster might’ve been a coincidence, but this was getting suspicious…). Anyway, she defeated the monster, she and Yumi became friends and partners and teamed up to fight more monsters and save people from the Forces of Darkness and everything was wrapped up in a neat little bow.

“Except for the fact that there’s like 50 more episodes of this…” Evie murmured, turning over the box. She had been working during that episode as well and now she was putting the finishing touches on her drawing of ‘MagiHeart Moon’….except instead of Annette’s long, flowing hair, she put in Amaya’s ponytail and bangs instead. She looked at the two drawings together, herself as MagiHeart Sun and Amaya as MagiHeart Moon. It felt a bit silly, like something a teenager would do, drawing their totally original magical girl OC that was just….the characters in the show with their own face, but just as a couple of sketches she’d done in less than 20 minutes each, she had to admit, it had been kind of fun.

“Uuufff.” Evie winced. She suddenly felt an, at this point, familiar pang. But she had been ready for it this time and sprung up, running down the hallway. She looked a little silly, half-running, half-hopping down the hallway, but it worked. She practically leaped into the bathroom and about a minute later, she was coming out, drying her hands on her big t-shirt.

“Oh my god, thank goodness,” she murmured. It shouldn’t have been such a relief that she managed to make it to the bathroom and not pee herself, but after the day she was having, it was. It really was. She took an extra second to check her MagiHeart panties and make sure she hadn’t leaked in them - the padded underwear still looked and felt dry to her. It was not lost on her that she was watching an anime for kids, drawing fanart for that anime, wearing a bunch of that anime’s merch and her biggest priority was that she didn’t pee her pants (pants that, again, were merch for said anime).

“Not exactly how I expected to spend my super-adult art retreat vacation where I make my first deal to run my own gallery…” She grumbled as she grabbed the remote. It felt pretty silly. But it didn’t exactly feel…bad. It at least didn’t feel bad enough that, after a few seconds of thinking about it, she hit play and started the next episode.

She laid back on the couch as she watched the third episode. This was the first episode where Yumi and Annette worked together. By this point, the memories were starting to get jogged loose. Stuff like Yumi meeting Annette’s sick mom and playing board games with her and Annette initially feeling jealous and upset, but eventually coming around to it and being happy that she had something new she could bond with her mom over. Or Annette encouraging Yumi to start playing baseball again, or inversely, Annette helping Yumi relearn how to draw with her right hand. Most of the girls’ problems were, unsurprisingly, solved by beating up a big scary monster every week. Even by the third episode, Evie was figuring out how, even with little bits of long-term storytelling like the girls’ respective goals and their struggles meeting them, it was pretty formulaic. The girls or someone near them has a problem. A monster shows up. They beat up the monster. Everybody makes a little bit of progress with their problems.

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, I guess….” Evie murmured as the credits for the third episode finished rolling and it went back to the menu screen. She was about to grab the remote and hit play for the next episode when Inara came back.

“The laundry is in the dryer, now,” Inara said as she sat in an easy chair next to the couch. “It should only be another hour or so before everything’s done.”

“That’s great,” Evie said. “Thank you so much for taking care of my clothes and stuff.” Inara waved a hand dismissively.

“You’re very welcome, dear, I’m glad to do it.” Inara allowed herself a moment of relaxation, reclining in her chair. “How are you doing?” She asked. “I heard the toilet a bit ago, can I assume…?”

“Um…yup!” Evie nodded. She felt more than a little strange being asked, ‘did you actually manage to pee in the bathroom instead of your pants’, but if anybody deserved to know, it was probably Inara. “It went…to plan! I’ve actually been feeling a bit better since then.”

“You know, it was probably just a spot of stress, dear,” Inara posited. “That’s why it can be nice to just. Sit back, relax, watch something a little softer and let yourself…be at ease.”

“Yeah….” Evie nodded. She had to admit, she’d come here with a lot of excitement, but she guess she hadn’t realized how anxious she was, too. About whether or not Inara would like her art or would go for her idea for the gallery. It didn’t occur to her until this moment just how much pressure she’d been putting on herself. Watching MagiHeart had not only brought back some pleasant memories, but it had gotten rid of a lot of that pressure, if only for the moment. “I guess I didn’t realize how nice it would be to just. Relax for a bit.”

“I think the worst of it’s behind you, now,” Inara said and Evie nodded in agreement. “In that case, once the laundry’s done, I think it’ll be just fine for you to change back into your own clothes.”

“That’ll be nice,” Evie said with an embarrassed little laugh. After spending a little over an hour in this stuff, she had to admit, she didn’t hate it, but she could feel the padding in her underwear every time she moved. At the very least, she kinda wanted to go back to regular underwear.

After a moment, though, something else occurred to Evie and a small grimace spread over her face. Inara noticed it.

“What’s wrong?” She asked.

“Oh, uh, nothing,” Evie said. Inara just gave her a look and Evie already knew that wasn’t gonna cut it.

“Evie, dear, we’re not letting you give yourself a new reason to put stress upon yourself.” She made a beckoning gesture with her hand. “Come, now. Tell Inara what’s wrong.” Evie let out a little sigh - she couldn’t argue with that.

“I was just. Thinking about the fact that. I guess I must’ve come here a lot more stressed out than I thought I was and obviously, it. Hasn’t led anywhere good! And now that I’m actually thinking about it, I think I’m realizing that that’s. Probably the reason I sent Amaya away.”

“You felt an extra set of eyes upon you and you wanted to feel unseen for a bit.” Inara nodded. “I can see that.”

“Kinda, but it’s like - it’s not even Amaya’s fault. It’s just…” She fiddled with her own hands a bit. “She reports everything to Miss Nightingale. And Miss Nightingale reports everything to…” She let out a huff and her head sunk down a bit. “My mom.” Inara’s brows raised a bit, but she didn’t say anything. Evie felt something welling up, so she just…let it out.

“I think I just. Wanted to spend a couple weeks. Not worrying about whether every single thing I do is gonna make it back to my mom and disappoint her.” She breathed out. “And cause of that, I sent Amaya out to sit in the middle of the ocean by herself.” Evie put both of her hands on her forehead as she stared at the ground. She let out a small groan. “I’m such a jerk.”

“Evie, that’s not true,” Inara said, her words immediate and soft. “I think what you just said showed a lot of maturity.” She turned her own head, glancing towards the window, and out towards the water. “But if this is how you feel, I do think we’ve reached the point where keeping Amaya at arm’s length is doing everybody more harm than good.” Evie gave a short few nods.

“Yeah…yeah. I’m gonna. I’m gonna ask her to come back,” she said. And a small smile spread on her face. “To…have a vacation with me.”

“I think that’s an excellent idea,” Inara said with a smile. She got up from her chair. “I’m going to go get a room ready for her and get started on lunch for three.” She started to walk away. “And Evie?” Evie looked up from her phone.


“If you feel the need to talk more about…the rest of it.” She didn’t say specifically, but Evie knew what she meant. “Just let me know. If that’s how you feel, you shouldn’t have to keep it in.” Evie swallowed quietly. She didn’t know if she was ready to broach that subject more than she already had, but, she nodded.

“I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks, Inara.” She smiled. “You’re…you’re a great teacher.” Inara nodded back to her and left Evie to construct her message.


Uh, I dunno exactly how to say this.

But I think it might’ve been kind of a jerk move of me to ask you to leave.

I’ve got some stuff I gotta figure out. About myself and about…our families.

And it’s all really weird and complicated, but I do know one thing.

I want you here. Not as my bodyguard, just, as my friend.

If we could just have a vacation as friends. And you don’t have to report everything that happens to your mom.

That would mean a lot to me.

<3 <3 <3]

She stared at the text, already wondering a bunch of different things. Did it come off too pushy? What if Amaya actually was enjoying herself? Was a text the wrong format for this, should she just call her? Evie shook her head and realized she was, in fact, just stressing herself out again. She should probably just hit the darn send button and let it sort itself out. She almost did, when Inara came back into the room.

“Oh, I almost forgot,” Inara said. “How did you enjoy the show, did you draw anything?” Evie blinked and realized that, yeah, they hadn’t talked about it at all.

“Uh, yeah! Y’know what, I wasn’t into it at first, but,” she let out a laugh. “It actually wasn’t that bad. Here.” She took her two sketches and showed them to Inara.

“Oh, this is very nice,” Inara said with a fond chuckle, immediately recognizing what Evie had done. “I like these, Evie. I like them quite a bit.” She looked up from the picture. “Did you only watch two episodes, then?”

“No, uh, I watched three, actually,” Evie explained. “I was about to start the fourth when you came back and we started talking.” Inara nodded.

“Well, don’t let me interrupt you any further. If you’re enjoying it, feel free to get back to it,” she encouraged. Evie had to admit…it didn’t sound like the worst thing in the world. She could just send Amaya this message and then while she was waiting for Amaya to get here and for her laundry to finish, watch a little more of—


Evie suddenly felt an ache. She sat back and put a hand over her stomach. She winced as she felt the ache suddenly turn into a painful cramp. The thought passed her mind to ask Inara for something for this sudden discomfort. When the third cramp hit her, it came with another feeling, a realization of something that was happening imminently. She gasped and shot up from the couch

“E-excuse me!” She squeaked as she tried to get down the hallway, but only got a few steps before she covered both hands with her stomach. The cramps hit one more time, before suddenly ceasing and turning into a feeling of…movement. “No no no no no nooooo!” Evie cried as she tried to make it another couple steps, but her legs stopped listening, bending slightly as her body pushed. She felt her face burn as a rude noise came from her lower half, and then she felt something invading the seat of her MagiHeart panties, pushing against the booster pad and softly squishing and shaping itself between her bottom and her underwear. Evie just kept repeating the word ‘no’ to herself. She felt heat on her bottom as the softness became mushiness, spreading all over the back of her underwear and bulging outwards.

After a few seconds, she became aware of the waistband of her pajama shorts being tugged backwards. She couldn’t see it, but there was a bulge settling in the seat of her panties. She heard a weary sigh from behind her.

“Oh, Evie….” Inara murmured. Evie couldn’t take it anymore. But the stress and embarrassment was only one of the reasons she broke down into tears. As Inara wrapped an arm around her head and pulled the girl into a hug, she felt her body pushing again.

“That’s okay, dear, that’s okay, shhh, shhh….” Inara murmured as Evie whimpered, more mush forcing its way into her panties and making that bulge grow even bigger.

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