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[CLICK THIS PAGE FIRST, IMPORTANT INFO AND LINKS HERE]  Hello and thank you for visiting! I'm DramaPajamas, you can call me Drama, DP, o...

Friday, November 29, 2024


[Standard Content Warning: This is an ABDL story blog, that means stories on this page contain diapers, diaper usage (like, lots of it), infantilism and the like! In addition, mental and physical manipulation, bondage and nonconsensual or dubiously consensual employment of all of the above themes and many others may also apply. Viewer discretion is advised.] 

[This is a story written based off of a prompt in a Bluesky post by Z.K. Fae! I originally intended to just write a little thing I could post on Bluesky myself, but then it wound up being over 1,000 words, so I just decided to toss it up on the blog. Enjoy!] 

One of the benefits of visiting a castle for a party is that there's plenty of unattended halls, corners and alleys to sneak away to if need be. 

One of the benefits of catching the eye of the princess that calls said castle her home is that she knows all of said halls, corners, etc. and knows which one to pick when she wants to sneak away with you. 

You're trying above all else to stay quiet, but you can't help but let out a noise when her lips move off of yours and head down to your neck, teasing you with just a bit of a nip. When you squeak out a second time, she looks up at you, a couple of her long red strands covering her eyes. She gives you a mischievous grin that tells you she got what she was looking for before she comes back up and the kissing resumes. Her lower body presses against yours and you feel yourself leaning into the contact. 

"C'mon...." You hear her murmur as she applies more pressure. Before you know it, you're back against the wall. You let a little grunt, then she does too. You're both trying, before you know it you're both pushing against each other as hard as you can and all you're getting is the feeling of a lot of fabric bunching up against each other. Her pink-and-white dress brushing against your yellow. 

She breaks the kiss and lets out an annoyed gasp, taking off her tiara and flinging it down the hall. You wince, pretty sure your heard something expensive break off of it. That expression of frustration gone, she turns back to you and grabs two fistfuls of the skirt of your dress and starts to pull them up.

"H-hold on!" You squeak. 

"How many layers are you wearing?" She grumbles. You quickly do a mental recap of all of the skirts and petticoats your maids put on you to try and obtain what they determined to be the perfect levels of ladylike voluminosity. 


"Well, I'm at seven," she growls. You blink. You supposed you did think she looked a little more voluminous than you. "So we need to get creative here or this ain't gonna work." You can't argue with that logic. She finishes getting your petticoats out of the way and hooks a thumb into the waistband of your bloomers. She grins at you again as she pulls them down, then, her grin quickly shifts to a bemused expression. You slap your hands over your eyes. Your face was already red, but the princess you were making out with a second ago staring at your diapers somehow makes you blush even more. 

"Are those, uhhh." She runs two fingers over the front of the white, puffy front, sparing an extra second to tug at the pink frills ringing the leg guards. 

"Mmmmn..." You weakly nod. 

"Aaaand, these, right here." She taps the gold-colored tapes and gives them a little tug. "Enchanted so only your handmaidens can removed them?" 

"Y-yes..." You admit, then blink and peek down at her through your eyes. "H-how did you?" She heaves out a sigh, shimmies down her own bloomers, then pulls up her own skirts to reveal a very similar but somehow puffier garment - if you didn't know any better, you'd swear she was wearing two of them at once - with the same golden tapes. 

"What'd you get 'em for?" She asks. You fidget with your skirts, trying to cover your undergarments back up. 

"I - I cast a spell that could let me read for hours without losing concentration and - well - it." It had worked as advertised! Your progress through the library had been amazing since you cast it. But unfortunately it meant sometimes your body would try to tell you something, and, well, you just didn't hear it. The princess giggles at you.

"So you cast yourself into being a bedwetting super-bookworm? Was it worth it?" 

"Ehhhhh...." Your head tips one way, then the other. "I've learned a lot of new spells....?" She steps towards you again and lightly places one hand on your shoulder and the other on your hip. You swallow. "Wh-what about you? Do you also--"

"Have accidents?" She asks nonchalantly. "Nah. My maids put me in these to stop me from dragging other princesses off and 'physically menacing them'. They think if I'm wearing these, I'll be too embarrassed to wanna do anything physical with anybody." 

"D-doesn't seem like it worked...?" 

She flashes you another grin. Her hands go down and start bunching up your skirts and petticoats and pulling them out of the way.

"They underestimated how much I like to menace." 

Her knee comes up and drives into the front of your diaper and starts moving up and down. You gasp. She starts kissing you again. Her knee keeps moving, back and forth, applying pressure, the way you feel her knee kneading your own thick padding against you makes you start to stiffen. You let out a sweet moan as she breaks the kiss momentarily. 

"Eheheheh -- you're gonna return the favor after this, riiiight?" 

"Mmmn...!" You nod. Then, before you know it, you're right back to kissing. 

In the midst of all of this, you forgot to mention the other thing you'd tried to warn her about when she started pulling up your skirts. There was more than one enchantment on your diaper. Notably, that if anybody attempted to tamper with the tapes (by, say, tugging at them), it would immediately notify your handmaidens where you were. It would also only dawn on you later that that concentration charm you'd cast on yourself would also stop you from being able to tell if anybody was approaching and at least TRY to pretend you had been doing something else when you get caught.

In fairness, you probably wouldn't have heard them coming anyway. One of the downsides of sneaking off with another princess that loves to physically menace other that she tends to take up all of your attention. 

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