[Standard Content Warning: This is an ABDL story blog, that means stories on this page contain diapers, diaper usage (like, lots of it), infantilism and the like! In addition, mental and physical manipulation, bondage and nonconsensual or dubiously consensual employment of all of the above themes and many others may also apply. Viewer discretion is advised.]
One more magical girl adventure later, both girls were back in their bedroom, laying on the changing table next to each other. Well, Evie was laying down. Amaya was, unsurprisingly, not letting go of Inara. Even half-asleep, her grip was stubborn.
“Amaya, my love, I need you to let me go. Dear, we have to put you on table so we can — oh, dear me, I know what I forgot,” Inara said with a little laugh. She pulled something out that immediately got Amaya’s attention - her pacifier, from before. “Now, Amaya, you can have your pacifier back, but you have to lay down for your change and then go in your crib, alright?”
“Mmmmn…b-but I don’t wanna let go…” Amaya murmured. Inara rubbed the back of her head.
“I know, I know…but you have to sleep in the crib with Evie, remember?” Inara said, lightly tilting Amaya’s chin to look at the ruleboard.
“Y-yeah…” Amaya muttered, but she didn’t sound happy about it.
“I’ll help you, okay? I know the storm is scary, but I’ll help you with it, I promise. Do you believe Inara, dear?” She asked. Amaya didn’t have a good response for that.
“Y…yeah…” She slowly nodded. “…mmhm.” And, finally, Amaya let her go. Inara laid her down on the changing table next to Evie.
“Ooof.” Inara stood herself up and pressed the small of her back. “Neck’s going to be a little stiff tonight…” She murmured. “Alright, here you go, my love,” she said and slipped the pacifier into Amaya’s mouth, where it immediately started bobbing up and down. While Amaya laid there, Inara attended to Evie first, giving her a little poke in the stomach as she grabbed the waistband of her shorts.
“Alright, Evie, dear, is there anything you’d like to tell me?” Inara asked with a little giggle.
“Mmph….” Evie crossed her arms and pouted. “Are you really gonna make me…?” She grumbled. And for a few seconds, she was positive that yes, she would. Inara was gonna recite her dumb rule, but Inara smiled at her for a few seconds, then seemed to think better of it.
“Mmn, you know.” She licked her thumb and reached over to the rule board. Evie blinked and tilted her head. She watched as Inara pressed her thumb to the rule [Evie and Amaya must tell Inara about their accidents], and ran her digit over the ink, smudging it and with a few more swipes, erasing it. Evie looked back at Inara, confused. She’d just erased one of her own rules. “You know, I wrote that one because I hoped it might make you a bit more comfortable talking about it - if you told me when you made a little stinker in your pants—“
“Please don’t call it that,” Evie groaned. Inara pushed on regardless.
“—then you might eventually come to realize it’s not anything worth worrying yourself over. But I think it was having the opposite effect. So let’s forget about that one.” She tapped her thumb on Evie’s nose and then went to work untaping her diaper and getting her cleaned up. “I hope you can eventually learn to stop worrying and let me help you, Evie, but I don’t want to rush you, either. You can take your time.”
“Can I take my time in regular underwear?” Evie asked. Her eyes were firmly on the wall and ceiling as Inara cleaned her up.
“Mmmn…let me think about that for a moment….” Inara said. A second later, Evie felt her legs getting lifted up and then lightly deposited on a fluffy, padded seat, equally as thick as the last one. “Alright, I thought about it,” she said and pulled Evie’s fresh MagiHeart diaper up, taping it into place. Evie let out a little groan as she looked at it. Just two days ago, this would’ve been unthinkable. A day ago, she’d begged and pleaded to narrowly avoid it. Today…she was getting changed out of her own mess into a clean diaper for the second time and she had no reason to believe there wasn’t a lot more of that in her immediate future. She at least found a small amount of relief in the fact that she wouldn’t have to humiliate herself by reciting her accidents to Inara anymore. But her own diapered state wasn’t what was taking up the majority of the space in her mind at the moment.
With her change done, she was carried over to the crib, to wait with the bars down while Inara handled Amaya’s change, next. Amaya didn’t seem to have any problems with being changed, but the longer she was separated from Inara, the more she seemed to remember that she really wasn’t fond of the sounds of the storm. A low, distant rumble sounded and Amaya let out a whine into her pacifier, its ability to calm her down clearly fading with her no longer able to hold onto Inara as well. But Amaya knew she had to sleep in her crib, so she just stared up at Inara, a pitiable expression on her face.
“Mmn, the storm’s already starting to bother you again, isn’t it, my love?” Inara sighed as she discarded Amaya’s full diaper and unfolded a new one. “Well, let’s get this taken care of…” she said as she slid the new diaper under Amaya’s bottom and then lowered her back down on it. Amaya fidgeted a bit, rubbing her butt into the soft, fresh padding, but if that helped calm her down at all, it lasted all of a couple seconds before another blue lightning bolt outside made her flinch anew. “That’s okay, just a little more…” Inara said as she taped the diaper up. “Now, I said I’d help you deal with the storm and…” She opened a drawer of the changing table and pulled something out - a pair of of headphones. “Let’s see if these help, hm?” She said. She leaned over Amaya and carefully slid the large cushioned speakers over Amaya’s ears. Amaya blinked a couple times. Inara gave her a little wave.
After a few seconds, Amaya waved back. The girl’s eyes went this direction and that direction as she seemed to be realizing what she was wearing. But when thunder rumbled again in the distance, it didn’t draw a reaction from her. Evie didn’t know what those headphones were playing, if they were in fact playing anything, but…it seemed to have successfully blocked out the storm, which in turn had calmed Amaya down again.
“There we go, now I think Amaya’s feeling better,” Inara cooed as she picked her up and carried her over to the crib where Evie was waiting. Once Amaya was laid down next to Evie, her eyes went to the headphones. They were really big, with some kinda wood-style finish on them, she guessed the idea was that they were supposed to look retro? Amaya did have a fondness for stuff she thought of as “classic” like that, so they didn’t look too out of place on her, even if Amaya usually wore earbuds and even then, usually only one at a time (she insisted she needed to be “aware of her surroundings”). The point was, these ones swallowed her ears up entirely.
“Would you like some headphones too, Evie?” Inara asked as she covered the girls up in their blankets and grabbed the bars to pull them up. “You’ve been very brave about the storm, but if you need something to help you sleep too, that’s okay.” Evie shook her head.
“N….no. I’m fine,” she said. She’d been sleeping through storm surges her entire life. But, then, so had Amaya. So she should’ve been equally unbothered by them, at least as far as sleeping through them was concerned. And yet, here they were.
“Okay, dear. Just call for Inara if you change your mind, alright?” She said and handed the two girls their dolls, Evie her MagiHeart Sun and Amaya her Moon. Amaya immediately wrapped her arms around her doll and gave it a squeeze, Evie just kind of took hers nonchalantly.
Both girls got a kiss, then the bars of the crib went up. Evie huffed as the door closed, leaving them in darkness. She thought about just standing up on that table the next time she was getting changed and trying to rip that rule board down.
“Yeah, right, as if I’d even get up to my feet before I wet myself and apologized or something,” she grumbled, pressing her hands against her forehead. At least she wasn’t so drowsy she was seconds away from slumber, tonight. She grabbed Amaya’s arm and gave it a shake. Amaya was, in fact, already slumbering, eyes closed, curled up with her Moon doll. Evie let out a little grunt.
“C’mon, Amaya, this might be our only chance to talk, c’mon, wake up…!” Evie insisted. Another couple shakes didn’t accomplish anything, so Evie grabbed her headphones and her pacifier and tugged on both. “Amaya! Wake up!” She hissed, trying to be loud enough to get the girl’s attention but quiet enough to not get Inara’s.
“Nnnn…!” Amaya whined as all of her creature comforts were yanked away at the same time. She looked around, her eyes eventually settling on Evie. Evie immediately felt like a total heel at the pathetic expression Amaya fixed her with, the betrayal and confusion in her erstwhile bodyguard’s eyes that very clearly asked, ‘Why are you taking away my pacifier and headphones in a clear and calculated attempt to destroy me?’
“C…can I have those back?” She sniffled, tears already appearing in her eyes. Evie felt all of her pluck and vinegar draining out of her by the second. She opened her mouth to insist that they had to talk. Amaya’s lips wavered. Evie’s heart sunk.
“H-here y’go. Sorry,” she said as she handed them back.
“It’s okay…i-if you want your own, you should ask Inara….” Amaya said as she took them both back.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Evie said with a grimace. Amaya was clearly ready to put both of her comforts back on and go back to sleep, but she paused.
“D…do you wanna split them?” She asked. She offered Evie the pacifier. Evie’s grimace got a lot bigger as she saw the overly large pacifier bulb that at this point was well-covered in her friend’s saliva.
“I’m good!” She insisted, putting both hands up. “Go back to sleep, Amaya.”
“Mmm.” Amaya didn’t need to be told twice. The pacifier had found its way back into her mouth somewhere between ‘Go’ and ‘Back’. She slid the headphones over her ears next and laid down. A few seconds later, she was cuddling her doll and asleep again. Evie, sitting up with her back against the bars of the crib, stared at her own Sun doll for a few seconds before winging it at the other side of the crib as hard as she could. She was aware there was some kind of phrase about throwing toys out of the pram. She was too frustrated to care right now.
She couldn’t entirely keep herself from being frustrated with Amaya. But that was a much smaller part of it compared to the guilt she felt for her part in this. She replayed the events of the last couple days in her head to make sure, but if she was remembering right, it was the same thing every time. Inara and the rule board had started whatever weird obedient childish trance Amaya was under, but…the moments where it had gotten worse…
‘She only got worse after I colored in those pages. After I did Inara’s “assignments”.’ The first page she’d colored in, Amaya had had her first accident and had gone from suspicious of Inara to listening to everything she said. The second page she’d colored in, Amaya had become terrified of the storm and practically welded herself onto Inara, requiring stuff like that pacifier just to not start crying. She wasn’t even trying to make it to the bathroom anymore - she was perfectly fine just going in her diaper as long as she could hug Inara and suck on her pacifier.
Which all meant it wasn’t just Inara making Amaya worse, now, Evie had her hands in it too. She hadn’t done those assignments for no reason, after all. She'd at least had a suspicion that she needed to do them to avoid worse things happening to herself. And doing them had just made her friend more and more into…whatever Inara was trying to turn them into with all of this.
‘And we’re only even still here in the first place because I ignored her when she wanted to leave. I made us both stay….’
Evie felt her stomach fill with a horrible surge of guilt that she didn’t know how to control or how to keep from getting worse. Because from a practical perspective, all of this together revealed the truly bleak situation she and Amaya were in.
Inara was gonna give her another assignment tomorrow. Why wouldn’t she? Especially if Evie was right about how they were causing all of this. So another coloring book page or whatever was gonna end up in front of her and Evie was going to have to make a choice. If she did the task properly, Amaya would probably get even worse. But if she didn’t, she would get worse. Even if she tried to assuage her guilt by telling herself she didn’t know before, that wasn’t the case anymore. She didn’t know what would happen if she failed another assignment, but it couldn’t possibly be good, given what the others had done. She still thought she was better off than Amaya right now, though…so if she did do it, how much worse would it be for Amaya?
After a while of running in circles in her own head, Evie knew she had no idea what to do and it was eating her up inside. She couldn’t help it, she knew it wasn’t going to do any good, but she did it anyway, she grabbed Amaya by the arm and shook her with one hand and ripped her headphones off with the other.
“Amaya…!” She said, her voice coming out a lot more harried than she realized. “I just - I gotta say something, okay?” She asked, trying to cut off the girl getting upset again. “I’m sorry. This - I think all of this is my fault, I —“ Her voice started cracking. She brought her hand up to her eyes. “I shouldn’t have done those pages, I didn’t know they would do this to you. I didn’t want this, I…” She hesitated when she got a look at Amaya’s face. Evie’s breath caught in her throat when she realized Amaya’s eyes were narrowed and she was frowning at her. Evie swallowed - she wasn’t upset because Evie had woken her up, she looked…angry with her.
“Amaya, I—“
Amaya interrupted Evie before she could say anything else. She closed her eyes and her cheeks puffed out a little. A faint noise came from her backside. Evie didn’t lift the blanket to check, but she quickly realized what was happening. Amaya wasn’t angry at her for waking her up, removing her headphones or for anything related to those assignments. Her greatest concern right now was a discomfort in her stomach. Evie winced as the smell spread around the crib, knowing Amaya was pushing a fresh wave of mush into her diaper yet again, for…what, the fourth time today? She didn’t care how many bottles she drank, that was impossible. But that word didn't seem to matter much anymore.
“Hmmmph!” Amaya squeaked into her pacifier as she pushed again…before she let out a relieved noise. With her most pressing priority taken care of, she finally turned her attention to Evie. As if she was only just now noticing her, she tilted her head and blinked a couple times. Then, slowly, her hand came up and shifted her pacifier a bit. The bulb was still part-way in her mouth, but, she could talk instead of just mutter.
“What’s wrong?” She asked. Evie sucked in the breath she had been holding. She touched a hand to her own face and realized what had gotten Amaya’s concern. There were tears in her eyes.
“I - I’m sorry, Amaya! I shouldn’t have done those pages, I shouldn’t have made you stay here with me, I shouldn’t have brought us here in the first place, I — hck, hck…” Before she knew it, her shoulders had started shaking. Evie had tried to keep a handle on her emotions the last few days, but it was all pouring out at once, now. Seeing her friend, driven to this place of thorough infantilization, messing herself basically in her sleep without a worry, but still managing to find the bandwidth to be concerned for Evie, was the straw that broke the camel’s back. All of her frustration and anger and guilt and shame was about to pour out and she didn’t know how to stop it anymore.
She was cut off as something entered her mouth. Something big and wet and rubbery - oh god, it was Amaya’s pacifier. Amaya had popped her own pacifier into Evie’s mouth.
“Mmmph….!” Evie whined around the bulb and the shield, good gravy this thing was even bigger than it looked somehow. She looked at Amaya, her expression one of confusion. Amaya’s, meanwhile, was just one of concern.
“….izzat better?” She asked. She blinked a couple of times. “….try sucking it. That helps me….” She suggested.
‘Amaya, I don’t wanna suck it, it has your saliva all over it! Ugh, this is really unsanitary!’ Evie let out a little groan into the pacifier and Amaya, true to form, did the only other thing she could think of to comfort her, she wrapped her arms around Evie and hugged her. Evie didn’t know if she wanted to be this close to Amaya when she was laying there with a full diaper, but she quickly realized she didn’t want to break the embrace with her friend, so she just…kinda let it happen and laid back down on her pillow as Amaya did the same. More thinking wasn’t gonna help her out either way.
Before she closed her eyes, Evie felt a sudden cramp between her legs. She murmured into the pacifier, but quickly realized…there wasn’t much to be done about it. A few seconds later, she let out a little whimper as she started wetting herself. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she noted she never would’ve been able to get to the bathroom even if she was in her normal bed in her normal underwear. That thought made it pretty difficult to keep resisting, so she just tried to untense her body and let it happen, because fighting it just made it feel like even more of a farce. She let out another noise as she felt her soft, dry padding growing warm and wet against her body.
She thought about calling out to Inara for a change. She didn’t really think she’d get one, but she kinda wanted to try anyway. Partially because she wanted a change, partially just out of spite. Her eyes fell to Amaya, who was still cuddling both her Moon doll and Evie the best she could, but had also maneuvered her thumb into her mouth and started sucking that. Her eyes were already closed and she was peacefully sleeping again, once again entirely unbothered by the messy state of her own diapers. Calling Inara would necessitate waking Amaya up a third time and it just kind of felt like she’d done enough to her friend tonight.
The pacifier moved a little in Evie’s mouth as she gave a single forlorn suck of it. It didn’t make her feel any better about what had transpired thus far, or what she thought was coming in the very near future. But it was at least making it a little easier to fall asleep.
“Good morning, girls. Did you both sleep well? Oh, well, look at this.”
Light entered the room as Inara came to wake the two up. Inara rested an arm on top of the bars and immediately had a fond smile on her face at what she saw.
“Look at the two of you, did you have a nice night all snuggled up together?”
Evie and Amaya were still tangled in each other’s arms, having spent the entire night cuddled up with one another. Evie worked herself out of Amaya’s grip and rolled over. She grimaced a little as she felt her diaper squish against her skin and realized she must’ve wet it at least once more over night. It bothered her how little that bothered her. Wetting herself barely even seemed to get on her radar anymore, that seemed like a bad indication of how far she’d fallen. Amaya, in the meantime, rolled over onto her back as well and visibly fidgeted as she felt a very different kind of squish beneath her. Inara just chuckled at both as she brought the bars down and pulled the girls’ blankets off.
“Now, Evie, dear, I hope you didn’t take Amaya’s pacifier, you know it’s very important to her. You should ask for your own if that’s what you want,” she said, but Amaya instantly cut in.
“Mmm-mmmn.” Still laying on her back, with her own thumb in her mouth, Amaya gave a couple shakes of her head. She pointed to herself, then pointed to her pacifier, still resting in Evie’s mouth. Evie didn’t really think that did a better job communicating what had happened than just taking her thumb out of her mouth for five seconds would’ve, but Inara seemed to get the gist all the same.
“Oh, were you two sharing?” She asked. Amaya nodded this time and Inara let out an, “Ohhhh….” And rubbed the top of Amaya’s head. “That’s very sweet of you, Amaya,” she said. “Well, let’s get you two ready for the day,” she said, first picking up Amaya. When her hand went to Amaya’s bottom to lift her up, there was another squish and Amaya fidgeted again, not out of any discomfort, seemingly just as an automatic reaction. Inara, of course knew what the reaction meant and knew what the soft mass she was feeling through Amaya’s pajama pants meant. She finished lifting Amaya up so she was resting on her shoulder.
“Mmm, looks like you had a busy night, didn’t you?” She said as she gave Amaya a little bounce. “Did you go while you were asleep, or did you go poop in your diaper right after you got a change and went to bed, Amaya?” She asked, tugging Amaya’s shorts down and letting them fall to the ground, revealing the at this point deformed and slightly flattened, but still present mass in the seat of her diapers.
“….mmmmph,” Amaya murmured around her thumb, then suddenly tensed up in Inara’s arms.
“Oh, is something wrong, Amaya?” Inara asked. Evie’s eyes got big as she sat up and watched. With Amaya being held up Inara, her back was to Evie, which meant Evie got a front-row seat as Amaya shifted around and tried to assume a squatting position in Inara’s arms so she could start pushing. Evie watched as the seat of her diaper unceremoniously became unflattened from Amaya pushing a new load of mush into it. It bulged outwards with more crinkling and crackling noises that eventually just faded into wet, soft, squishing noises. The seat of Amaya’s diaper grew stained and darkened as it started to sag downwards, Amaya’s second accident pushing her padding to its limits. When it was over, she just wriggled in Inara’s arms, shaking her bottom a little bit.
“Mmph.” Then, she went back to sucking her thumb. For her effort, she got a few pats on the back of her head this time.
“Mhmhmhm….I guess it wasn’t just right after you got a change, wasn’t it?” She asked as she lightly bounced Amaya up and down a bit, her hand now cradling the bulging seat of Amaya’s now twice-full diaper. “Well, I was thinking it was about time for to do something a little differently anyway...” She said as she carried Amaya over to the changing table and laid her down on her back, putting her weight right on her diaper. Besides another small bout of fidgeting, Amaya didn’t react to laying down in her mess at all. “Can you stay here and be good for me for a little bit, Amaya?” She asked.
“Mmmmn.” Amaya nodded as she sucked her thumb.
“Good. Good girl,” she said and kissed Amaya on the cheek. Then she went to the crib and pulled the bars back up, getting an ‘Mmmph’ from Evie. “Oh, I’m sorry Evie, just stay in bed for a little while longer,” she said, patting the girl’s head. “I’ll be right back.” She smiled at Amaya as she walked away.
“I know exactly what Amaya needs.”
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