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[CLICK THIS PAGE FIRST, IMPORTANT INFO AND LINKS HERE]  Hello and thank you for visiting! I'm DramaPajamas, you can call me Drama, DP, o...

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Intimism, Chapter 6

[Standard Content Warning: This is an ABDL story blog, that means stories on this page contain diapers, diaper usage (like, lots of it), infantilism and the like! In addition, mental and physical manipulation, bondage and nonconsensual or dubiously consensual employment of all of the above themes and many others may also apply. Viewer discretion is advised.] 

“So I went back inside, ate dinner. A little after that, I went to bed…and then I woke up and you were there,” Evie said to Amaya. She didn’t mention the part where, as she went to bed, she felt her thumb slipping into her mouth. She had to admit, she wasn’t ready to confront that part yet. “Weird stuff has been happening, and at the time I hit the button, I thought Inara might be responsible, but…” Evie scratched her head. “Now I’m starting to think it’s mostly in my head.”

Amaya’s brows knitted upward. She didn’t look like she entirely bought that story, or rather, the parts of the story that were all Inara pointing all suspicion away from herself and back towards Evie’s subconscious, but…

“I….do think you’ve put a lot of pressure on yourself,” she admitted. That was one of the weird gray lines that came from Amaya working for Evie’s family but also being her friend, not knowing when to step in and tell her to stop being so hard on herself. Amaya wasn’t great at that kind of thing in the first place. “But I’m not entirely sure it’s all your own fault, either.”

“What do you mean?” Evie asked. Evie had tried to bury most of her suspicions last night after talking to Inara. Amaya didn’t seem so sure.

“I’m not sure,” Amaya admitted. “But I spoke to my mother while I was on the boat. She told me that if I got a bad feeling from Inara, I should take you and leave, and…” Amaya sighed. “Evie, from what I’ve seen and from what you’ve told me, I’m getting a bad feeling.”

The words were barely out of Amaya’s mouth before she noticed the clear discomfort on Evie’s face. At first, Amaya didn’t understand, then Evie spoke.

“Are you going to tell your mom what happened?” She asked. Now her discomfort made more sense. If Amaya told Miss Nightingale about all of this, including Evie’s accidents, then Miss Nightingale would certainly tell Evie’s mother.

“…I….” Amaya’s mouth hung open for a second. Evie bit her lip and looked Amaya in the eye.

“Amaya, are you gonna tell Miss Nightingale about all of this?” She asked with a little more urgency. Amaya swallowed. She’d already lied to her mother about leaving Evie here alone in the first place. She hadn’t felt good about that at all and she was growing increasingly sure it had been a mistake to leave in the first place. If relaying information that would inevitably make it to Mrs. Callahan was going to hurt Evie, Amaya didn't want to do it, but she really didn’t want to lie to her mother again. Unable to answer, she broke eye contact with Evie. That seemed to be all Evie needed to make up her mind.

“I don’t wanna leave,” she said resolutely.  The conflict on Amaya’s face turned to frustration. Part of Evie felt bad, for putting her friend in this position, but now that she said it, Evie was sure this was the right thing to do.

‘Look, all I have to do is turn this around…Inara wants to do the gallery, I know she does, so I just have to get my head on straight and then Amaya won’t even have to tell her mom about the weird stuff like the accidents….’ Part of Evie felt like she was just doubling down on the kind of thinking that had gotten her into this mess in the first place, so she closed her eyes and took a breath. ‘Just gotta…calm down. Go with the flow for a few days, like Inara said. I can do it.’ She tried to sound more confident in herself than she felt. Amaya, for her part, just looked exasperated.

“Evie,” she said in an urging tone. “There’s a storm surge coming. We only have so much time left, a couple hours tops, where we even have a choice.”

“Is going off into the ocean when there’s a storm surge coming that much better of a choice?” Evie asked and Amaya didn’t have much of a counter for that. Evie reached out and grabbed Amaya’s arm. “Look. I haven’t handled this well so far, so I understand if you don’t trust me. I wouldn’t trust my own judgment right now, either. But can you. Please, just give this a chance? For me?” Amaya looked at Evie’s hand, then at Evie. She didn’t seem happy about it, but she also didn’t seem to want to fight. Maybe she’d had some of the same concerns about Evie’s emotional state as Inara, but she just wasn’t capable of being quite so direct and eloquent about them.

“Fffffine,” Amaya murmured. “Just. Tell me quickly if you change your mind, okay?” She said. Evie smiled and hugged her, getting an “Ufff.” Out of Amaya.

“You’re the best,” Evie said. Amaya sighed and brought her arms up, hugging Evie back.

Breakfast was a…quiet affair. There wasn’t much in the way of small talk, because Amaya kept staring at Inara. Well, less staring, more scowling. She had agreed to let Evie stick around, but apparently a condition of that was that she wasn’t going to bother to hide her suspicion.

“More coffee, Evie?”

Inara, for her part, didn’t react.

“U-uh.” Evie looked from Amaya’s glaring to Inara’s offer. “S-sure.” She held out her cup. Inara poured her some fresh coffee. Amaya didn’t react when the pot came in her direction.

“Coffee, dear?”


Amaya pushed her cup out. She pulled it back when it was full and took a dubious sniff of it. Evie sighed. Breakfast mostly just went in silence after that. Evie had to admit, she was having her own problems. Every time she shifted in her seat, she felt the diaper she was wearing crinkle, which made her look around, hoping nobody had noticed that. Part of her said that was stupid, since both of them already knew she was wearing a diaper. It didn’t help.

“That rain is getting worse…” Inara muttered as she stood over the sink, looking out the window after breakfast was over. “It doesn’t look like it’s letting up.” She let out a sigh. “Almost certainly going to be a storm surge sooner rather than later. We’d better stay inside, then.” A few more washed dishes later and she was drying her hands off and addressing Evie.

“Evie, dear. Would you like to continue where you left off with MagiHeart?” She asked as she walked into the living room. Evie followed, but glanced at Amaya and grimaced.

“Ahhh….I dunno….” She said. She was trying to take Inara’s advice about not worrying about the childish stuff and going with the flow, but there was still a part of her that…didn’t really want to explain what MagiHeart was and why she was watching it to Amaya.

“Hm?” Inara tilted her head. “You seemed to be enjoying it yesterday, are you sure?” She asked. Evie thought about it for a second and let out a sigh. She had to admit, she had been able to relax a little bit while she was watching it…

“Yeah…yeah, I guess it’d be okay,” Evie said. Inara smiled and nodded to her, putting the DVD in. Amaya briefly looked at Evie. Evie just kind of shrugged and sat down on the couch, letting out a little “Mmmph.” Sound as she felt herself sit on the padding of her diaper. The padded panties and their thickness had been something Evie had kinda noticed but could stop thinking about if she focused on something else. The diaper was much thicker and the padding just kind of swaddled her from every angle, it was impossible not to notice every time she moved or took a step, but it was definitely most notable when she sat down.

“Amaya, have you ever seen MagiHeart before?” Inara asked.

“I’ve seen a lot of things,” Amaya grunted back, crossing her arms. Inara laughed into her hand. There was no way she hadn’t picked up on Amaya’s suspicion by this point. She seemed to be taking the ‘kill them with kindness’ approach to dealing with it.

“Evie’s already watched a few episodes, but we can start over so you’ll both be caught up. Is that alright, Evie?” Inara asked as she hit play on episode one.

“That’s fine,” Evie said flatly, really wishing she’d just asked Inara to find a tennis game or something instead.

“Evie, do you want to do another exercise while you’re watching?” Inara offered. Evie let out a breath of relief. That sounded really good, being able to just do some art and lose herself in that instead of thinking about all of this stuff that had gone wrong or the awkwardness between Amaya and Inara.

“Yeah. Yeah, I think really I want to do that,” she said with a few nods.

“Good, good,” Inara said. Evie was ready to go to the art room or go get her sketchbook or tablet, when she saw Inara approaching her with a single page and a box. Evie wasn’t sure what she was looking at until she opened the box and saw crayons.

“Uhm. What’s this?” Evie asked, pointing at the crayons.

“Oh, it’s nothing, dear,” Inara said dismissively. “I just thought that since you had a bit of trouble with the last few lessons, we could do something a bit simpler today,” she explained. Evie squinted and tilted her head.

“Uh. Trouble?” Evie asked. “W…what trouble? I thought I was doing pretty good?” Evie asked. The art she’d done so far was pretty much the only thing she thought had gone well about this trip so far, so this was news to her. It also bothered her how unconfident those words had sounded coming out of her mouth. She was also pretty sure that she had meant to say ‘doing well’.

“Oh, dear, I know you’ve been trying your best,” Inara said. “But, well, let’s see. On your first day, you didn’t finish your painting.” Okay….that one was true, Evie guessed, she had stopped painting to talk to Inara about the art gallery and had kind of forgotten about it after that. “Then on your second day, you stopped your drawing to go swimming.” Evie blinked and furrowed her brow - wait, but hadn’t Inara invited her to go swimming? Then she’d made dinner and everything! Yeah, Evie guessed she had left her drawing unfinished…

‘M…maybe I should’ve tried to finish that one after I was done swimming…’ She admitted to herself, rubbing her head.

“And then yesterday, I asked you each time you watched an episode of MagiHeart to draw a picture to go with it. How many pictures did you draw?” She asked.

“T-two?” Evie said. Inara held up two fingers. Evie had a feeling she knew where this was going.

“Two. And how many episodes did you watch?” Evie pulled her eyes away.

“….three,” she muttered. Inara patted her on the head.

“You didn’t do anything wrong, dear. We’re just going to do something a bit more simple now, alright?”

“Hrmph….” Evie grumbled, feeling just a little bit patronized by Inara’s tone. Inside, however, she was realizing something that troubled her, just a bit. Besides all of those “failures” seeming to involve a lot of technicality (and maybe even a bit of entrapment on the swimming one), she couldn’t help but realize something. After that conversation about the art gallery on the first day was when Evie had leaked into her panties the first time. After she’d stopped drawing to go swimming, that’s when she’d gone from her little leaking problem to full-blown wetting accidents, starting with wetting herself while she was swimming in the ocean. And after she’d finished that third episode of MagiHeart without drawing anything from it….Evie felt her face burn as she realized that was when she’d started messing herself.

Every time she’d (apparently!) failed one of the assignments Inara had given her, not only did she have an accident pretty much immediately after, but her accidents got worse each time, it had started with just a little leaking and had ended with her full blown pooping her pants. That was…a pretty big coincidence.

“Here you go, Evie, I think you’ll like this one,” she said, giving Evie the piece of paper and a small board to place the paper on. Evie grimaced as she looked from the paper to the crayons. She grimaced deeper when she looked at the picture - it was a picture of MagiHeart Moon. That wasn’t what bothered her (although she had to admit, seeing these magical girls every time she turned her head was making it a lot harder to forget the fact that she was currently wearing a diaper with the two of them on the front of it), what bothered her was the picture itself. Annette had a shocked expression on her face as a big gust of wind kicked up her skirt to reveal that she was wearing a diaper underneath. That, for the record, was also making it hard to forget what she was currently wearing.

The picture was broken up into little segments that had numbers on them, the numbers corresponded to a list of colors on the side. This…looked and felt like it had come straight out of a coloring book. Evie was sure actual MagiHeart coloring books existed, but she doubted any existed with the main character wearing diapers, so Inara must have made this herself. Evie turned the picture around.

“The picture’s already finished,” she said flatly.

“I know, dear. You see that list of numbers? Just go ahead and use those to color it in,” Inara explained. Evie rolled her eyes - that wasn’t what she was trying to say.

‘I’m a college graduate for crying out loud, don’t explain to me how to do a page out of a coloring book like I don’t know how!’ She thought, feeling increasingly exasperated. Outwardly, it came out more like, “…I can draw something myself.”

“Mmmn, I know you can, dear, you’re a very good artist. But I think you’re still experiencing a lot of stress.” She reached in and rubbed Evie’s shoulders. To say they were tense would’ve been an understatement. “Do you remember what we talked about before?” She said in a hushed tone. “I’d like it if you would try not putting so much expectations on yourself. And just letting yourself be. I know you can draw. But sometimes, it’s not bad to just do something a bit easier than that, isn’t it?”

Evie let out a breath. The way this situation was unfolding wasn’t exactly reducing her stress, especially with the theory slowly piecing itself together in the back of her mind, but something about the woman’s words still resonated with her.

“M…maybe,” she said, not able to commit to much more than that at the moment.

“Of course, if you don’t want to, that’s fine too. You can just watch your magical girls with Amaya.” She smiled. Amaya hadn’t looked at the TV for one second and had pretty much just been glaring at Inara this whole time. Inara, maintaining consistency, didn’t react. “You can just enjoy yourself and not worry about the assignments. This is your vacation after all.”

That got Evie to swallow nervously. The place her mind was going was…silly. She knew that.

But if failing her last couple assignments had been what caused her accidents, would not doing any more of the exercises, including the picture in front of her, count as failing them? Would that make her have another accident - would it make her accidents even worse? The idea sounded utterly absurd the more she thought about it. She thought she’d gotten over this idea that some weird outside influence was the reason for her accidents last night. 

But before she’d had that conversation with Inara, she remembered worrying that the ruleboard was doing something to her. It was silly. It was really silly. But if things could get worse, she really didn’t want to find out how. And it wasn’t like she lost anything but just coloring in a picture, so….

“I — I’m gonna color,” she murmured. Inara smiled and left her to it and she got started. She wound up putting more effort into it than she expected when she realized she didn’t wanna screw this one up, so she made sure she double-checked each time she was using the right color and staying inside the lines. The idea of putting a lot of effort into staying inside the lines on a page out of a coloring book felt absurd to her. It felt like she was giving way too much credence to her own paranoia, but this was where her head was at at this point, she guessed.

When she was putting the final touches on coloring in Annette’s hair she she paused and squinted at the page as she realized something. She looked up at the TV and saw Annette on the screen and, sure enough, she had black eyes. But this drawing had gray eyes. She hadn’t colored it in wrong, she’d been double-checking every color. She knew someone who had gray eyes. She looked over at Amaya, then at her picture and she was realizing, this drawing of MagiHeart Moon…sure did look a lot like Amaya.

She didn’t know what to think about that, but either way, she was done. She looked over the colors one more time to make sure they were right and let out a breath. Hopefully that was good enough to get her some peace of mind and not make her have even more accidents. Once she was sure she was done with the page, she found herself letting out a half-yawn into her hand.

It occurred to her at that moment that even with that bedtime, she really hadn’t gotten much quality sleep the past couple days with all the stress she’d been experiencing. And this morning hadn’t exactly helped. So she put the crayons back in the box, pushed the page off to the side and went from sitting on the couch to laying on the couch. She actually did keep an eye on the TV for a few seconds, but it didn’t take long for her to start drifting off.

“I don’t understand, why are you…”


Evie rubbed her eyes as she woke back up. She would’ve been okay with napping for a while, but it didn’t feel like she’d fallen asleep for more than a few minutes. She thought she’d heard a voice - Amaya’s voice. She sat up and saw Amaya on the other end of the couch from her, talking to Inara about something.

Then, suddenly, Amaya was standing up, a look of urgency on her face.

“I - where’s the bathroom, please?” Amaya asked, her voice squeaking as she got herself up off of the couch. Inara looked confused for all of a second or two.

“It’s down the hall, but why--” she started to say, before she realized. “Oh - it’s this way, come with me, dear,” she said, suddenly matching Amaya’s urgency as she led her down the hallway towards the bathroom. Amaya’s suspicion towards Inara seemed to have been replaced with a sense of desperation that unfortunately, Evie was pretty familiar with at this point. She pulled herself off the couch and followed them. The bathroom door was still open when she got there, so she saw Amaya get her pants down around her knees and sit down on the toilet. Inara raised a hand. Evie slapped both hands on her head and tried to call out to her friend, but no words came out.

Evie felt like it happened in slow motion. She watched the urgency slowly leave Amaya’s face and change to relief — then change to shock as she didn’t hear and feel what she was supposed to be hearing and feeling…because her underwear were still firmly in place around her waist. Amaya gasped and looked down as she saw and felt a dark spot spreading on the front of her panties.

“N-no, wait…!” She squeaked, desperately trying to get her body to stop, to no avail. Worse than the wet spot, she whined as she felt something else happening. Evie couldn’t bear to watch, putting her hands over her eyes as the seat of Amaya’s panties bulged out and downwards. Both girls were silent as the grave for a moment. The quiet was only broken by Inara letting out a sigh.

“I was worried something like this might happen….”  She said. She looked just the slightest bit upset, but she quickly tempered it down and put a hand on Amaya’s head to comfort her.

“I - I’m sorry, I - I don’t know how I - I thought I - hnn….” Amaya kept sputtering and Inara just shushed her.

“It’s alright, dear, it’s alright,” she said. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I just wish you two had told me about your troubles before you’d arrived.”

“Mmph…” Amaya didn’t have any response to that, she seemed to be utterly in shock. Evie on the other hand, wanted to blow her stack. She’d known Amaya her entire life, she’d never so much as broken wind in a crowded room! She’d spent the last 24 hours twisting herself in knots trying to figure out an explanation for this that didn’t blame Inara, but now seeing this, seeing…whatever was happening affect her friend, she felt real anger bubbling up inside her, but that was all it did. It just sat there, simmering in her chest. There was just something blocking her from letting it out.

“Alright. Everything’s going to be okay, girls,” Inara said, helping Amaya off of the toilet. Amaya winced as she felt the mess now sitting in the seat of her panties shift against her bottom. “Inara will take care of everything for both of you.”

Amaya wouldn’t meet Evie’s eyes as the two of them were herded back into Evie’s bedroom. Before, she’d clearly had her heckles raised in suspicion of Inara, despite Evie’s insistence. Now, she was so shocked she was on auto-pilot and Evie was suddenly not so sure she shouldn’t have been listening to Amaya’s suspicions a bit more.

“Alright, girls. Now that I know what we’re both dealing with…” Inara said as she led both girls into the bedroom, then approached the rule board and took it off of the wall. She put a marker into her mouth and pulled off the cap. “I think we need to make the rules a bit clearer, alright?” Evie grimaced. She was about to start making more rules? She wanted to - what? Object, grab the marker out of her hands, run away? There was, unfortunately, nowhere to run and Inara was already writing.

The first thing she changed was the top of the board, where it had just had Evie’s name, it quickly read ‘EVIE & AMAYA’S RULES’. Evie looked at Amaya, who was standing there with no pants on, fiddling with her own hands and fidgeting in place. Evie felt bad for her. She knew exactly how bad it felt to be in that situation, standing there in wet and messy panties, just wanting a hole to open up in the ground and swallow you whole. But more to the point, she didn’t understand what had happened. She’d just dozed off for a few minutes! How could Amaya have gone from just sitting on the couch to within seconds of pooping herself in that short of an amount of time?!

Unless Inara really was doing something to them…the thought sent a chill down Evie’s spine.

“Alright, first off…” Amaya said as she erased one rule and wrote another…

[Evie and Amaya wear diapers.]

“Bu—“ This time, when Evie opened her mouth, she was immediately cut off.

“I’m sorry, Evie, but no objections this time,” Inara said, firmly. She wasn’t going to be swayed into giving Evie any more do-overs. “You both had a chance to be honest about your accidents when you arrived, now we have to do things this way.” Evie bit down on her lip - inwardly, she felt her anger bubbling up again. Inara was talking about it like they both had constant accidents all the time. Evie had bought into all of that stuff about stress affecting her body, but Amaya didn’t have any problems like that!

“On that note…” Inara unrolled a towel on the ground, then took Amaya’s hand. “Amaya, dear, can you lay down so Inara can get you cleaned up?” She asked, and despite Evie’s growing anger, she thought about grabbing Amaya to stop her from doing anything, because she was pretty sure this was the moment where she was gonna punch Inara right in the face.

“O-Okay,” Amaya murmured instead and complied with Inara’s guidance, laying down on her back. Evie’s jaw fell at how compliant she was as she let Inara pull away her wet and dirty panties and clean her up with the warm wipes (the touch of which got Amaya to fidget a bit on the towel). Amaya just laid there obediently as another white diaper was slid underneath her bottom and taped into place. Evie kept hoping this was all some elaborate plan by Amaya and in a second, she’d wrap her legs around Inara’s neck in some kinda crazy jiu-jitsu hold, but no such luck. The change went uninterrupted and after a moment, Amaya was laying on her back, a white diaper with MagiHeart Sun and Moon’s cheery faces on it wrapped around her waist. Inara gave her a hand and helped her up.

Evie couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Amaya put a hand on her new much puffier underwear, clearly not used to the extra bulk the padding gave her, something Evie could relate to. Inara, meanwhile, discarded the wipes and Amaya’s panties and picked up the marker again, going right back to erasing and writing.

[Evie and Amaya have a bedtime of 7 PM and a naptime at 11 AM.]

“S-seven PM and a naptime?!” Evie exclaimed. Just a day ago it had been 9 PM!

“This is closer to what I’d been considering from the start. I wanted to see if a bit later could work, but it’s clear you girls both need much more rest than you’re getting, Evie, you were falling asleep on the couch just a few moments ago,” she said. “Even if you’re not asleep, you need some time to allow your mind to rest and not worry about anything, understand?”

“B-but that…” Evie started to say, then trailed off. She wanted to say that she didn’t need to get into bed two hours (more like five hours) early to be able to turn her mind off for a bit, she could do that just fine on her own! She tried to do that, but when she opened her mouth, a yawn came out. Suddenly, she was sitting on the floor. She looked at Amaya and saw she was drifting off too. She glanced over in the direction of the clock and saw 11:02 on the clock before her eyes slide shut.


Evie rubbed her eyes as she came to. She looked at the clock again - she’d only drifted off for a few minutes, but she’d fallen asleep right on the floor. She quickly recalled the conversation she’d been having with Inara. This was the second time she’d drifted off this morning, that didn’t exactly lend her objections to a naptime a ton of credibility.

She looked around at the room and got that “floating outside of her body” feeling again for a couple seconds. Where her bed had been was now a…really, really big looking crib. The space on the floor where she and Amaya had both laid down when they’d been changed into their diapers was now occupied by a large table almost as tall as they were.

‘W-wait, is this the same room…?’ Evie wondered as she looked around frantically. She’d started in a guest bedroom, then that had started looking more like a child’s room. Now the room she was in most closely resembled a nursery. Amaya was here too, still rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She looked at Inara - she still had the ruleboard in her arms and had already written something else down.

“You two looked so cute sleeping on the ground like that, I was almost willing to break this rule as soon as I wrote it,” Inara said with a soft chuckle.

[Evie and Amaya spend naptime and bedtime in their crib.]

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