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[CLICK THIS PAGE FIRST, IMPORTANT INFO AND LINKS HERE]  Hello and thank you for visiting! I'm DramaPajamas, you can call me Drama, DP, o...

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Intimism, Chapter 7

[Standard Content Warning: This is an ABDL story blog, that means stories on this page contain diapers, diaper usage (like, lots of it), infantilism and the like! In addition, mental and physical manipulation, bondage and nonconsensual or dubiously consensual employment of all of the above themes and many others may also apply. Viewer discretion is advised.] 

Evie swallowed and looked at the clock again. Only a few minutes had passed. She was sure of it. Then when she’d woken up, she was surrounded by these two huge pieces of furniture that would take multiple people real time to haul around. She was sure she hadn’t seen this crib or this changing table before, so where had they come from? Was this a different room from before? It looked like the room she’d been staying in until this point, and she thought she’d seen every room in the house when Inara had given her the tour, but the more she looked around, she wasn’t sure. Whatever was going on was starting to freak her out. She felt sweat building on her face and the back of her neck, but it was undercut by another yawn escaping her mouth.

“Looks like naptime is coming for you soon, my heart,” Inara cooed as she picked Evie up under her arms and sat her on the edge of the crib with the bars down, then did the same for Amaya. Amaya managed to stay sitting up, but Evie kind of fell onto her side as she almost drifted off again.

“Wh- what happened to the bed?” Evie asked weakly as she propped herself up.

“Oh, this will be much comfier than your bed, Evie,” Inara assured her as she slipped off Amaya’s waistcoat and started unbuttoning her shirt, something Amaya not only allowed, but went along with, helpfully shimmying her arms out of her clothes and then holding them up for Inara to tug a pajama shirt similar to Evie’s onto her. “And you still have your special sheets and blankets.” Evie looked and saw the pink MagiHeart sheets from the bed. Without thinking about it, she grabbed a handful of the sheets and nodded.

“O-okay,” she said. Inwardly, Evie didn’t really care about the sheets but now that she was kind of tugging them onto herself, it seemed outwardly like that had been her main concern. It was also starting to bug Evie how much that crinkling noise and the feeling of the sheet in between her fingers seemed to comfort her. Amaya seemed to have another concern.

“I-if we’re sleeping in the crib, how will we get up to use the potty?” She asked. First of all, Evie really wished she hadn’t said ‘potty’. Secondly, she was pretty sure that Amaya could hop out of this thing from a crouching position if she really wanted to, but that seemed to be the furthest thing from her mind right now.

“If you want to call for me, I’ll come and take you, dear,” Inara answered as she took a pair of pink pajama pants and tugged them up Amaya’s legs. Once the pants were on, she continued, “But I don’t want you to worry about that too much right now. We’re trying to deal with you girls’ stress  and I think worry about the potty is one of the biggest things causing you stress right now.” She stroked Amaya’s hair. “You can just not worry about it and let Inara take care of things. Does that sound good, Amaya?”

“Y…yeah, I guess,” Amaya agreed. “B-but that’s just for a while, right?” Inara smiled at her.

“We’ll see,” she said and her noncommittal tone was not lost on Evie. “But, speaking on that…” She started writing again.

[Evie and Amaya have to tell Inara about their accidents.]

“Amaya, dear, do you have anything you’d like to tell me?” She asked. Amaya grimaced, but slowly nodded.

“I-I had…an accident a little while ago,” she said, quickly and quietly.

“Mmmhm. And what happened?” Amaya fidgeted again, looking down at the floor.

“I - I forgot to pull my panties down…s-so I wet and pooped my panties while I was sitting on the potty,” she murmured. The bit of honesty got her a kiss on the forehead.

“That’s a good girl, Amaya,” Inara said and Amaya kept fiddling with her fingers, but a little smile appeared on her face. “Did you have any accidents while you were on the boat?” Amaya blinked a couple times and furrowed her brow, as if she was having a hard time remembering.

“I….I’m not sure?” She said. Inara fixed her with a discerning look for a moment.

“Mmmhm,” she said, a hand on her chin. “Well, we can go check after the storm is over. Now, did you have your accident on the potty because you didn’t feel it coming or did you know it was coming but you were distracted by your cartoons?” She paused for a second, then added, “Or…did you do it on purpose?” Amaya had a similar reaction that Evie’d had when she heard the words ‘on purpose’, her eyes getting big.

“I….I-I’m not sure,” Amaya repeated. “I don’t know.” She seemed aware that those weren’t very good answers. She  swallowed and added, “I-I’m sorry I forgot to pull my underwear down.”

“It’s okay, dear,” Inara reassured her. “You almost made it, but if it was that close, either way, it’s probably safest for you to be in diapers anyway, isn’t it?” She asked.

“I…I guess that makes sense,” Amaya said and gave a little nod. Through her drowsiness, Evie felt like she was losing it. Inara had Amaya so turned around and confused that she was actually agreeing that she belonged in diapers. Amaya had always been kinda passive and introverted, Evie knew that, but she’d never been a total pushover before! Watching her just go along with this was as maddening as it was getting to be genuinely frightening.

“Alright, almost done, girls. This one is important,” Evie said as she wrote the next rule.

[Evie and Amaya can only be changed by Inara.]

“I don’t want you two worry about this part at all and I don’t want anybody trying to hide any accidents again, either.” Evie puffed her cheeks out. That comment was definitely directed at her. More to the point, it was another rule she didn’t like the sound of. It was probably inadvisable to do it right in front of Inara, but she put her hand on her diaper and grabbed at one of the tapes. She tried to give it a tug, but her hands just slid down on the smooth, soft surface of the garment. A couple more attempts and it became impossible to ignore her constantly poking at her diaper.

“Evie?” Evie suddenly realized both Inara and Amaya were staring at her. “Are you trying to take your diaper off or do you just like the way it feels?” She asked.

“Uh…” Evie’s eyes fell. She murmured out some noise that probably didn’t count as an answer and Inara just gave a nonchalant smile.

“Well, how does it feel?”

“It’s, uhm.” And since she was being asked, Evie placed a hand directly on the front of her diaper and pressed down a bit. At the moment, the main thing going through her mind was that she was glad it was still dry. “…it’s soft,” she answered.

“Mmhm.” Inara nodded. “You can enjoy how soft it is as much as you want, dear, but you can’t take it off, understand?” She said. By now, apparently encouraged by this conversation, Amaya was poking and rubbing the front of her diaper a bit too. She seemed to agree that it was soft.

“Y-yeah, I understand,” Evie murmured. Inara didn’t seem to mind her fussing with it from that point on.  Which was a problem, because at a certain point, Evie had definitely started trying to rip the thing off. She couldn’t tell if the tapes were just refusing to come off or if she was unable to grip them or what, but it just wasn’t moving. This wasn’t even some kind of manipulation. Inara hadn’t successfully convinced Evie to not take off her diaper, she just couldn’t budge the thing at all.

“Alright, this is the last one, but it’s most important, girls,” Inara said as she wrote the last rule and underlined it a couple times.

[Evie and Amaya have to stay on the island and stay inside until the storm is over.]

Evie gulped as she read that one. She heard a distant rumble from outside.

“Storm surges are very, very dangerous, girls. You can’t go outside at all until this one is over,” Inara explained very deliberately, pointing her marker at both girls to make sure they understood.

‘At this point I’d rather take my chances with the storm. Or a flood zone, or a barren zone, or a red zone,’ Evie thought ruefully, then shook her head. ‘No I wouldn’t, all of those sound absolutely terrifying. But I’m really starting to think I don’t want to be here anymore, either!’ She was pretty sure of that. As scary as the storm was, she was growing increasingly sure that the stuff that had happened to her body and mind over the last few days (and now apparently Amaya’s too) was not, in fact, stress wreaking havoc on her and it was proving to be pretty darn scary in its own right. Speaking of changes that had happened to her body, she opened her mouth to say something, but just yawned into both of her hands, instead, which got a fond chuckle out of Inara.

“The good news is, the two of you can stay here, you can watch your magical girls and you can play as much as you want,” she said as she picked Evie up just enough to set her back down on her back on a pillow. With a little guidance, she brought Amaya down next to her, both girls clearly just barely holding on to consciousness. “Does that sound nice?”

“Mmm…mmhm….” Evie murmured, her eyes barely open.

“It sounds nice…” Amaya repeated. Inara pulled a blanket up over the both of them, kissed them both on the forehead and pulled the bars of the crib up. Evie tried to blink the sleep out of her eyes as the lights went out and the door closed, leaving them in relative darkness with only the sounds of rain and distant thunder outside. She raised a hand up and shook Amaya’s shoulder.

“Hey…hey Amaya…!” She hissed.

“Mmph?” Amaya tilted her head up. “What is it?” She asked. This was it, there was no Inara around. Evie tried to prop her hands under her to sit up.

“Hey, we should.” Evie started to speak, then stopped to let out a yawn. She covered her mouth with her hand, but without her hands pushing her up, she fell back down onto her pillow. “Just a sec. I just need a sec to think of…” She trailed off. Amaya blinked at her a couple times. Evie murmured something else as her eyes slid shut. Amaya just shrugged and laid back down next to her. Both girls were asleep a few seconds later.


Evie’s eyes fluttered open. She looked up and saw darkness. A grimace crossed her face as realization sunk in. It was the middle of the day but it was pretty much as dark as the night, save the occasional blue flash. That sure was what a typical storm surge looked like. The storm was no longer coming, it had arrived and it was firmly set over the island. Evie felt her heart sink. She looked to her left and saw bars. She looked to her right and saw Amaya, eyes closed. Still asleep.

“Amaya?” She murmured, reaching out and grabbing the girl. This time Amaya just murmured something and rolled over. Evie let out a grunt. She thought about more forcefully shaking the girl awake, but any louder and Inara might hear it. If Amaya wasn’t going to wake up so she could talk to her, she needed a minute to just…try and get her thoughts in order.

She had one more theory she wanted to test at the moment…she pulled her own blanket off and looked down at herself. She got into a sitting position and tugged her shorts down to her knees, revealing her white MagiHeart diaper. The sight of the thing still seemed absurd to Evie, but she couldn’t get caught up in staring at it now. Instead, she grabbed at it and tugged with all her might. Trying to rip the tapes, rip the padding, do anything to inflict any kind of meaningful damage to it whatsoever. After about 30 seconds of struggling, she fell backwards, panting as her head hit the pillow. She wriggled her hips. The diaper still hugged them as stubbornly as before. Evie let out a groan.

Inara continuously getting the two of them to comply with whatever she said could’ve maybe been explained by her just being some kind of extremely savvy manipulator. Amaya wasn’t a pushover and she had been suspicious of Inara, but she was a passive person and that accident, however it had happened, had clearly been an emotional shock for her. And Evie…up until this moment at least, Evie had idolized Inara. Something she was now pretty sure had been clouding her judgment the last several days.

The accidents? Evie was absolutely certain that neither of them had had accidents like this before arriving on this island, but maybe Inara had been spiking their food or something. Amaya hadn’t had her first accident until after Inara had fed them breakfast. The idea that Inara had leveraged drugs and manipulation to successfully get both girls all the way into this situation was a stretch, maybe too big of a stretch (not to mention a really dark thought), but it wasn’t impossible.

But this was a bit too far. Sure, maybe Evie had been a little drowsy, but once Inara had written down a naptime on that board, she’d been totally unable to stay awake. And she couldn’t rip this stupid diaper off no matter how hard she tried, because it was written on the board. Up until this point, Evie had been trying to dismiss the idea that Inara was somehow controlling them with things like the ruleboard and those art assignments, one, because she didn’t want to believe the woman she idolized was capable of that and two, because it simply didn’t make any sense.

‘But if it’s what’s happening, and if it’s just gonna keep getting worse, I don’t think I have the luxury of worrying  about whether or not it makes sense…’ She thought to herself. She ran her hands down her face. ‘Amaya said she had a bad feeling and I made her stay here and now we’re both in diapers, sleeping in a crib…I’m such a jackass…!’ She thought, pressing down on her own forehead for a couple seconds. She shook her head and tried to push the guilt out of her head, briefly and focus on more practical things.

‘Okay. Some kinda. Magic. Writing and art. That’s what we’re going with, I guess? Stop worrying about whether or not it’s actually possible and start worrying about how to deal with it.’

She looked over at the wall.

The rule board. If that was the source of it, maybe destroying it or erasing the rules would get rid of their influence?

‘But I dunno how I would even get it. It’s really high up and Inara’s been keeping a pretty close eye on me since today started…I could maybe climb up on that table and try to reach it, but what if Inara caught me and wrote ‘Evie can’t walk anymore.’ Evie swallowed. Okay, so if she was gonna try to physically get the rule board, she had to make absolutely sure she wouldn’t be caught first. File that one away.

‘Maybe….maybe it only works if you’re so close to it? Maybe if I got Amaya outside, she would snap out of i—

A blue flash followed by a loud rumbling outside made Evie rather deliberately stop considering that idea. She looked out the window and couldn’t help but groan into her hands.

‘Even if we could get away from that rule board, the storm surge just got here - it isn’t gonna let up for a while.’ Amaya had wanted to leave while the storm was approaching. Evie didn’t know how good of an idea that was. They’d still had a few hours at that point, but it would’ve been extremely unsafe and risked both of their lives to try and play chicken with a storm surge while at sea. Seeing what had happened to them since (mainly, what had happened to Amaya) almost made her wish they’d tried it, though.

Which still raised a big problem - even if Evie somehow made it so whatever manipulation the rule board was enacting upon them was no longer a problem…what then? They couldn’t leave, so what could they do? Was there any way for her to call for help? Evie immediately grabbed at her wrist and let out a small curse when all she grabbed was her wrist.

“Where’s my watch…? Shit, where’s my phone?” It dawned on her that she didn’t remember the last time she’d seen either. Had she left them on the nightstand? The room they were in didn’t have a nightstand anymore! Maybe Amaya still had hers in her pocket — she looked at Amaya and cursed again, remembering that when she’d changed Amaya into a diaper, Inara had also taken away her clothes. Without her watch (which hadn’t even worked the first time she’d tried it) or a phone, calling for help wasn’t an option. So what were their options with this storm going on?  Tie Inara up and throw her in a closet until the storm passed? The true difficulty of this situation was starting to dawn on Evie.

‘Our only real options are wait out the storm and try to escape then, or…we might really have to hurt Inara to stop her from doing whatever she’s doing.’

Evie stared out the window for a couple moments. To a pretty significant part of her, it felt impossible to even suggest it, hurting Inara to save themselves. But a lot of different things were swirling around in Evie’s chest at the moment, including feelings of betrayal. She’d just wanted to meet her idol and her idol was…what? Turning her into some. Suggestible, obedient, diaper-wearing little kid? Why could she possibly want to do that? Evie had just wanted to learn from her and help her come back into the real world, but now, looking over the last few days…looking at all of this under the assumption that it had never been anything like stress or pressure and Inara had been responsible for each misstep and accident and embarrassment and indignity she’d suffered the last few days and had been manipulating Evie into thinking she was doing it to herself, she was filled with a potent mix of anger and hurt. Worse yet, it was affecting Amaya now, too. She couldn’t help feeling angrier at herself than Inara for that part.

She didn’t want to hurt Inara. But at this very moment, she wanted to yell at her a lot. Unfortunately, she seemed incapable of doing either. She was gonna be pretty incapable of doing anything without her and Amaya being on the same page, so she had to talk to her and somehow get her out of whatever funk Inara had put them under. She really wished Amaya was putting up more of a fight, but she was aware she was throwing stones from a glass house, there. She wondered if her bodyguard was like her, trying to summon up the wherewithal to fight, but constantly finding herself acting more passive and compliant than she wanted to. She needed to figure out a way to get through to her.

She thought about trying to shake her awake again, but she was interrupted by the door opening and light peeking into the room from the hallway.

“Are my girls feeling nice and rested now?” Inara cooed as she came in. Evie grimaced. That was the end of that opportunity. But somehow, some way, she needed to talk to Amaya without Inara there.

Evie was sat back down on the couch next to Amaya and, unsurprisingly, MagiHeart was turned on again, picking up from where they’d left off before Amaya’s accident and the nap that had followed.

“I have a question for you, girls,” Inara said, both hands behind her back. “I know you both like MagiHeart, but tell me, do either of you have a favorite?” Evie raised one eyebrow and lowered the other. She didn’t know what the point of that question could possibly be, so she was immediately wary of answering it. Amaya apparently didn’t share her misgivings.

“Um. I guess…I like Moon?” She offered tentatively. Evie looked at Amaya, then the TV. She’d been glaring at Inara the whole time they’d been “watching” MagiHeart earlier, how did she have an opinion on that?

“Sun, I guess,” she said. She was annoyed that she had an opinion, but, she did.

“I had a feeling it might be something like that,” Inara said with a little knowing laugh. “Here, I found something for the both of you,” she said, taking her hands out from behind her back and showing a pair of large plush dolls - no points for guessing, but one was MagiHeart Sun, which she handed to Evie and the other was MagiHeart Moon, which went to Amaya.

“Oh, uhm…” Evie stared at the doll for a moment. Before she knew it, she was murmuring out a, “Thank you,” to Inara.

“Thank you!” Amaya echoed, sounding a good bit more enthusiastic about it. She gave the doll a hug and set it in her lap. Evie just kinda stared at hers. Something in her said to just chuck it and stick her tongue out at Inara…then that something in her quickly amended it to chuck and give Inara the finger. Neither one happened. Evie just set the doll in her own lap.

Evie really wanted to get Amaya’s attention, but Inara kept hovering around, either tidying something up in the living room or just sitting in her chair and watching the girls.  Amaya eventually started bouncing her doll on her lap in concert with the things Annette did in the show, muttering along with her transformation, waving her shield arm around when the magical girl struck a monster in the show, raising the doll up when she used her big flashy attack to finish off the monster and so on. It took a while for Evie to realize she was doing the same with her Sun doll. Before she knew it, the two of them were fully engrossed in the show and playing with their new dolls to match. Part of Evie said she needed to focus, but with Inara right there the entire time, it wasn’t like she could talk to Amaya anyway, could she? Still, she felt her face heating up as she engaged in the playing with Amaya. She both couldn’t get herself to stop and couldn’t keep from being embarrassed about the fact that she and her bodyguard, both full-grown adults, were sitting in diapers, watching a magical girl anime and playing with dolls. Talk about a catch-22.

It definitely wasn’t the most riveting way to spend an afternoon, but several hours went by just the same. Through lunchtime and even more playing with dolls and watching MagiHeart, Evie was unable to find an opportunity to talk to Amaya without Inara there (or look for her watch or either of their phones).

“Having fun, Evie, dear?” Inara asked eventually, in between episodes. Evie had failed to catch herself waving her Sun doll around one hand and sucking her thumb with her other. That only made Evie’s blush get a little hotter.

“I-I guess,” she said simply and put her Sun doll back in her lap.

“I’m glad you two are enjoying your new dolls,” she said. “If you like, since you did so well on the first one today…” And for the second time today, Inara offered Evie a sheet of paper and a box of crayons. Evie dropped her doll, feeling her blood suddenly run cold.

“D…do I have to?” She squeaked, staring at the coloring page.

“No, dear, of course not. You don’t have to do any assignments if you don’t want to. You can just keep playing with your dolls and watching the show if you want. Just let me know and I’ll put your crayons away.”

Evie swallowed - so it was another assignment. Part of her wanted to just rip it up right in front of Inara (‘and give her the finger! Give her the finger!!!!’ a particularly rambunctious part of that part insisted). But by this point, she was fully operating under the assumption that these assignments were responsible for her accidents. Which meant she couldn’t risk things getting any worse for her. She had to find a way to talk to Amaya and she really didn’t wanna know what might happen to her if she failed this assignment, but she wouldn’t be surprised if it made talking to Amaya a lot harder.

So she grabbed a crayon and started coloring. Inara patted her on the head and went back to her chair. Amaya was continuing to play with her Moon doll and watch the show by herself. Evie, meanwhile, was practically sweating bullets as she colored her picture in.

‘If the point of all of this kiddy babying stuff is to make me feel less stressed, it’s not working,’ Evie thought with a mix of anxiety and antipathy. Because I feel more stress coloring this stupid picture than I did on any of my university exams!’

The picture itself, Evie shouldn’t have been surprised, was an escalation of the last one. In the previous picture, Moon  was having her skirt blown up to reveal she was wearing a diaper. This time, her skirt was just too short and her diaper was fully on display and she had both hands over her mouth in shock. As Evie continued coloring in the picture, she…was starting to realize why the magical girl had an expression of shock and dismay.

First, the diaper was the same one that she and Amaya were wearing, which annoyed Evie and raised a couple questions. One, was it possible for a magical girl to wear her own merchandise? Did this count as the most humiliating kind of advertising? Second, she was really starting to wonder why adult-sized MagiHeart diapers existed in the first place. But more importantly, as Evie continued coloring in each chunk of the picture, she realized from the colors she was using that the reason Moon was so upset was because her diaper was currently wet in the front and dirty in the back.

Evie….really didn’t want to color that in. She also really didn’t want to fail this assignment. If she did, she was pretty sure she’d be matching Moon in this picture before too long. So she grimaced and continued on…including coloring in the messy seat of Moon’s diaper.

The last thing she did was once again the eyes, which again matched Amaya’s own gray eyes. Evie furrowed her brow, wondering why Inara had these pages that were clearly supposed to look like MagiHeart Moon, but had these small tweaks to more resemble Amaya. Had Inara made them herself and then made them resemble pages from a coloring book? While she was dwelling on it, the page slipped out of her hands.

“Let’s see…oh, this one is perfect, too, Evie! Very good!” She said and rubbed the top of Evie’s head again. Evie tried not to feel a little surge of pride at being complimented on how good of a job she’d done of coloring in a page of an unfortunate magical girl messing her diaper. “What do you think, Amaya? Didn’t Evie do a good job?” She asked, showing the page to Amaya.

“Um.” Amaya looked at the picture. She blinked, picked up her own doll and looked from her doll to the picture. She seemed hung up on the difference in eye color too. “I-it looks good, but—“


The darkness outside was pierced by a burning flash of blue light and the living room was hit with a loud rumble that both filled everybody’s ears and shook the room just a bit. Just enough to make Evie leap up in her seat and put a hand over her heart.

‘Geez, that was a big one. That was probably only a few miles away….’


Amaya screamed and immediately grabbed for the nearest thing she could grab, which turned out to be Inara.

“Oh, dear,” Inara murmured, immediately taking the girl into her arms.

“Nnnnnn….!” Amaya whimpered, shoving her head into Inara’s shoulder. Amaya’s legs wriggled as she stood half-way off of the couch and as the noise of the thunder faded back into the sound of drops of rain striking the window, Evie realized she was hearing another similar noise from right next to her, followed by a much ruder noise coming from Amaya’s rear. Evie grimaced as she saw a bulge growing in the seat of Amaya’s shorts. Inara reached her hand down and lightly tugged down the waistband of Amaya’s pajama pants to check the status of Amaya's diaper, revealing that the seat was slowly, gradually expanding.

Evie felt her jaw drop. This morning, Amaya had been all but ready to fight Inara to take Evie off of this island. Now, just a few hours later, she was clinging to her, so scared of the storm that she had spontaneously filled her diapers. She no longer looked like Evie’s fearsome bodyguard. She looked like Inara’s baby.

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