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[CLICK THIS PAGE FIRST, IMPORTANT INFO AND LINKS HERE]  Hello and thank you for visiting! I'm DramaPajamas, you can call me Drama, DP, o...

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Intimism, Chapter 8

[Standard Content Warning: This is an ABDL story blog, that means stories on this page contain diapers, diaper usage (like, lots of it), infantilism and the like! In addition, mental and physical manipulation, bondage and nonconsensual or dubiously consensual employment of all of the above themes and many others may also apply. Viewer discretion is advised.]  

“It’s okay, my love, it’s okay, Inara’s here…” Inara cooed, hugging the sniffling girl closer and softly rubbing her back. “Oh, my…did the storm scare you into having a little accident?” She asked.

“Mmm….” Amaya sniffed. “Mmhmm…I-I think I…I think I pooped my diaper…” She murmured and Inara just chuckled.

“I think you did too, dear. It’s okay, the storm was very loud! That’s okay, let’s just sit back down and calm down….” Inara said, trying to guide Amaya back down. Another rumble sounded outside, this one significantly quieter than the first. Nonetheless, Amaya started crying in earnest, holding onto Inara all the tighter.

“Nnnnn!” Amaya shook her head and pushed it into Inara. She clearly didn’t want to let go as long as the storm was going, which was a problem, because the amount of time the storm was going to be there was measured in days, not hours. 

“Oh, dear…” Inara sighed. “Oh, let’s see…” She reached into her pocket and pulled something out. “Here, dear, do you think this will help?” She asked, offering Amaya something that almost got Evie to gasp out loud. Amaya let Inara push it into her mouth. The pacifier’s shield was big enough to cover up Amaya’s mouth and most of the bottom half of her face. More than that, once it was in, it quickly started moving up and down to indicate that Amaya was immediately sucking on it. More than that, it actually seemed to help! Amaya’s tears stopped and her breathing calmed down almost immediately once she started sucking on the overly large pacifier.

“There we go, that’s a little better, isn’t it?” Inara said. “Now, let’s — oop.” She had tried to set Amaya down on the couch again.

“Mmmmph.” Amaya shook her head and held tightly onto Inara. Inara knew she was licked and just stood the girl up.

“Do you wanna sit in my chair with me, dear?” She asked, letting out a little resigned laugh.

“Mmmm.” Amaya nodded.

“Okay, dear, that should be just fine,” she said and went back to her chair with Amaya in tow, sitting down and then bringing the girl half into the chair and half into her lap. Amaya finally seemed to calm down with that.

“Do you want a change, dear, or do you want to just sit down?” Inara asked. Evie saw Amaya fidgeting and at first thought it must’ve been her finally realizing the discomfort of her messy diaper. But after a bit more wriggling, she stopped and Evie realized she was just trying to find the most comfortable position nuzzling herself into Inara’s body.

“Okay, let’s just sit for a while,” Inara said, apparently unbothered by Amaya sitting in her lap with a mess in her pants.

Every so often, another flash or rumble came from outside. Amaya instantly cowered from it and whimpered until Inara comforted her again.  She occasionally peeked her head back at the TV and kept watching MagiHeart a little bit, but eventually the storm would make some noise again and she would get scared again. She had little interest in anything except staying as close to Inara as possible.

It took Evie a while to realize she had been staring and her mouth had been hanging open. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Amaya being passive was one thing, but she was completely terrified right now, like an actual child. Worse than a child, she needed a pacifier to calm her down! Any thought that this might just be sweet talk and manipulation causing their problems was completely out the window, this was fully in the realm of crazy fantasy shit now, as far as Evie was concerned. Whether it was some weird mind altering bio-weapon or hypnosis or freakin’ magic, it had to be something like that. She was convinced. It had to be something like that to make Amaya literally poop her pants out of fear of the kinds of storms she’d been dealing with literally her entire life.

“….mph…” Evie murmured. She grimaced. Her grimace quickly shifted to an urgent expression as she felt something developing in her own stomach. She realized she’d been so lost in thought about Amaya, she might have missed a couple warnings from her own body. Uh oh.

“U-uh, h-hey, Inara!” Evie said, hopping off the couch. “I uh. I really need to use the p-potty!” She squeaked, inwardly cursed and quickly amended, “bathroom!”

“Alright, let’s go, dear,” Inara said. “Amaya, I’m going to put you down now, I’ll be back in just a mome-ooop.” She’d tried to set Amaya down. Amaya’s grip had held firm.

“Mmmmph.” Amaya shook her head. She really wasn’t going to let herself be separated from Inara.

‘Geez, Amaya, THIS of all things is what you’re choosing to push back on?!’ Evie thought, unable to keep from being exasperated as her stomach growled again.

“Okay, okay,” Inara said, picking Amaya back up. “Let’s all go together. Come on, Evie,” she said, but unfortunately for Evie, things had already progressed past a point where she could do anything about it.

“Guh.” Evie felt her legs bend and before she knew it, she was squatting down and her body was pushing. “Wait…” She whimpered, a request her body didn’t listen to. Something warm and soft started entering the seat of her diaper, gradually growing until before she knew it, she was pushing an entire wave of mess out that was in turn pushing back against her bottom. Evie just let out a pathetic noise, shaking her head as she tried to get it to stop. She felt a hand sneak in to her shorts and cup the back of her diaper just as she pushed another small wave of mush into it.

When it was mercifully over, Inara’s hand came out of her shorts and pulled the girl into as good of a hug as she could manage while she was holding Amaya in her other arm.

“I’m sorry about that, dear. I didn’t want to leave Amaya by herself, she’s a little clingy because of the storm.”

“I noticed!” Evie snapped, her hands balled into fists as Inara hugged her with one arm. Unfortunately, the part that burned her up the most wasn’t Amaya’s sudden bout of astraphobia, it was that she knew it wasn’t the reason she had messed herself. They hadn’t even gotten out of the living room and Amaya refusing to be put down had delayed them….ten-fifteen seconds? In her heart of hearts, Evie knew that in the best case scenario, that probably would’ve been yet another instance of her running for the bathroom and having an accident halfway there. And even if she wasn’t rubbing it in, Inara seemed to know it too.

“Oh, I know you’re trying really hard, Evie,” Inara said. She leaned down and kissed Evie on the forehead. Evie kind of hated that the kiss and the soft tone did a decent job cutting through her anger. “But you don’t have to feel bad. I promise, you and Amaya aren’t wearing diapers because you did anything wrong.”

“Then why?!” Evie exclaimed. “Why am I wearing diapers? Why is all of this happening?!” She demanded, feeling tears start to sting at her eyes. This was the most frustrated she could ever remember being in her life. Inara backed away and sat down in her chair again - probably because Amaya was still hanging off of her and her arms had to be getting tired.

“Because you deserve it,” Inara said matter-of-factly. The answer threw Evie for a loop, which Inara didn’t seem surprised by, as she immediately elaborated. “What would the alternative have been, dear? I do your laundry, give you back your underwear, or even the training panties and you continue having accidents in those, or just barely making it to the bathroom? Feeling more and more compounding shame each time? How is that better? Like this…” Inara started rubbing Amaya’s back. “You can just…let what will happen happen. And I’ll take care of it for you. Because you deserve to be cared for in such a way. You deserve to not have to feel any worry or shame or pain. You can just feel…at peace.” As if to punctuate her point, she put her hand on the seat of Amaya’s diaper and gave it a few pats. Amaya let out a contented noise - her fear of the storm seemingly having faded for the moment while she was in Inara’s arms, her pacifier lightly bobbing up and down.

Inara’s smile turned into a bit of a grimace.

“But I can’t make you not feel ashamed of being cared for,” she said, her voice quiet and a little sad. “All I can do is keep asking you to let me take care of you.” She glanced at Amaya, who despite her earlier panic, now looked…pretty content. Evie saw it too. All Inara had to do was add, “….she has.” And for a second, Evie was almost taken in by it, by how much Inara just seemed to…care. Was there more to this than she was seeing? Was the point of all of this not that Inara wanted to control them, but show them (admittedly extremely weird) utterly unconditional love?

Evie swallowed and…gave a little shake of her head.

“W….we didn’t have any accidents before we got here,” she muttered. She had to admit, she wasn’t totally sure, but it felt right, so she kept pressing on. “I never had any problems with feeling ashamed about anything until I got to this island!” She said, a little more forcefully.

“Hmn…” Inara seemed to mull that over for a moment. “Are you sure?” She asked. “Or did you just not believe you had anybody that would care for you so much, they’d take care of you, without a second thought, even if you needed them to change your diapers for you?” She started to stand up, letting out a little grunt of exertion as she picked Amaya up again. “Were you more afraid of not being a disappointment?”

Evie swallowed. Her eyes got big and she quickly broke eye contact with Inara to stare at the ground. She felt a sudden pressure building in her chest and sweat beading on her forehead. Inara walked over and took her hand.

“You could never, ever disappoint me, Evie. Not in a million years.” Evie looked at her. Inara smiled back. “Come on. Let’s go have dinner.”

Evie followed along without saying anything.

“Alright….alright, Amaya,” Inara huffed after about five minutes of trying, she was no longer trying to extricate Amaya from herself. “You can sit in my lap for dinner if you want.”

“Mm,” Amaya mumbled in a particularly satisfied sounding tone. As passive and suggestible as she’d been, she was certainly stubborn about this, too stubborn for Inara to fight back on. She sat down in her own chair and sat Amaya down on her lap with another soft crinkling, crackling noise. Evie grimaced. Sitting here in full pants was a very discomforting experience for her, but Amaya didn’t seem to even be registering it.

“But I am going to have to insist on you actually eating dinner, and for that, we’re going to have to temporarily part…with…this!” And after a few good tugs, Inara successfully popped Amaya’s pacifier out of her mouth.

“Nnnn….” Amaya whined as soon as it was out and for the first time in hours, actually spoke, rather than just muttering, “C-can I have that back?” She asked in a pathetically begging voice, her eyes already dotted with tears.

“You really like the paci, don’t you, dear?” Inara asked, cradling the girl closer to her as she got closer and closer to a….not a tantrum, Evie didn’t think she was capable of that, no matter how upset she got, but, definitely a lot of whimpering and crying.

“U-uhuh…” Amaya nodded. Inara let out a sigh.

“I know, it helps you calm down, dear,” Inara said. “But you have to eat, too. Do you think you can eat some dinner before we give you the paci back?”

“Mmmph….” Amaya furrowed her brow. She looked like she was considering it, but… “I-I’m not hungry…I-I just want the paci.”

“Mmmhm. And I suppose you have a second island right next to this one to sell me, too?” Inara said flatly and tapped Amaya on the nose. “Fibbing doesn’t become you, my love.” Amaya just fidgeted in Inara’s lap, but the woman considered for a second. “Maybe we can both get what we want, dear, how would you feel about this?” She said and leaned in, whispering something into Amaya’s ear. Amaya blinked a couple times as she listened. “Does that sound agreeable to you?”

“…mm…mmhm.” Amaya nodded a couple times. It immediately got her a kiss on the forehead.

“That’s a good girl. Come on, let’s get it, then,” she said, standing up and taking Amaya with her - which, again, no matter how many times she saw, Evie couldn’t believe. Inara was bigger than both of them, sure, but she didn’t look particularly strong and Amaya was a full-grown woman who did work out and did have a bit of muscle on her! How was Inara just carrying her around like — well. Like a baby!? If nothing else, it reinforced Evie’s belief that she needed to stop worrying about whether or not the things Inara could apparently do made any sense to her, because Evie’s capability to understand them was clearly not a factor to Inara’s capability to do them.

Evie stared down at her own dinner, idly twirling her fork in her pasta. She was still thinking about that conversation she’d had with Inara in the living room. She’d started out thinking maybe Inara was just some kind of silver tongued manipulator that was talking circles around her. Then the more she’d seen, she’d had to accept that, okay, something beyond her understanding was clearly happening here. Now….she was pretty sure it was both. And she wasn’t sure it wasn’t working.

Evie had never told anybody her anxieties about being….a disappointment, before. Not even Amaya or Miss Nightingale. She’d let it slip to Inara without even really meaning to and then before she knew it, Inara had thrown it back at her like a punch right to the stomach. Part of her was angry. Really angry at her for using something so sensitive against her like that. But a disconcertingly large part of her was wondering if maybe she didn’t have a point.

Inara had been a lot of things since Evie had gotten to this island. Most of them, she wasn’t a fan of. But one thing she hadn’t done was show any anger or impatience or….disappointment with Evie. Not even when she was pooping her pants. She had to keep reminding herself that Inara didn’t deserve any points for that, though, because at this point it was becoming pretty clear, she wanted this. She wanted Evie like this. She wanted Amaya like this.

She looked up from her plate and got a bit more proof of that.

Inara had taken Amaya over to a cupboard, then to the sink, then Evie had heard the microwave going off while she was lost in thought, along with some encouragement from Inara for Amaya to hit the proper buttons for…whatever they were doing. Now that they were sitting back down at the table, Evie saw exactly what “whatever they were doing” was.

“There, you did a very good job helping me make your dinner, dear,” Inara said, which got Amaya to let out a little giggle. She had seemed utterly despondent about losing her pacifier, but now she seemed a little excited.

“C-can I have it now…?” She asked.

“Of course. Here you are, my love,” Inara said. Evie gasped when she saw Inara hold up a full white bottle and pop it into Amaya’s mouth. Amaya’s mouth instantly closed around the nipple and she took in a deep breath, followed by a long noise of contentment as she drank from the bottle, slowly and gradually. She seemed just as happy, if not happier, than when Inara had given her the pacifier. Something which got a breath of relief and a chuckle from Inara, who just rubbed the girl’s back as she nursed from the bottle, eyes peacefully closed.


The peace was short-lived, however as Amaya’s eyes opened and she suddenly had a frown on her face.

“Hm? What’s wrong, dear?” Inara asked.

“Mmph…” Amaya’s cheeks puffed out a bit and a crackling noise came from her bottom. A noise that was  becoming unfortunately too familiar to Evie at this point. Inara obviously noticed it too as she felt Amaya tensing up in her arms and the bulge on her lap starting to grow.

“Ohhhh, I see,” Inara said with a chuckle as realization dawned on her. “Do you need to make some room, dear? That’s just fine, you go ahead,” she said, rubbing Amaya’s back with one hand and pulling the bottle out of her mouth with the other. “Do you want a moment to finish up?” She asked.

“Nnnn…” Amaya grunted again. “N…nuh uh,” she said with a little shake of her head.

“Mmmn.” Inara didn’t sound surprised as she pushed the bottle back into Amaya’s mouth and Amaya latched on again, continuing to nurse while the rest of her body tensed and shifted, searching for a comfortable position to continue messing herself. Inara simply encouraged both, cooing, “My little multi-tasker,” to Amaya and giving her another kiss.

Evie was aware that she was becoming a broken record with this sentiment, but she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She didn’t think she ever could’ve imagined this. Nursing away at a bottle while she filled her diaper…that was already full! She wanted to cry out to Amaya to get a hold of herself, but the words as per usual, refused to form and she instead just kept quietly eating her own pasta. But she couldn’t keep from staring at this scene as it unfolded, including the little relaxed noise Amaya made when she was finally emptied out and continued drinking from her bottle with no distractions. Inara meanwhile had started lightly bouncing her up and down. Amaya didn’t seem to mind, from the way she let out a little noise each time her now very bulging shorts landed on Inara’s lap.

Evie stared at Amaya, trying  to…what? She couldn’t get the words up to talk to her, even if she could, Inara would probably stop her. She didn’t even know if any words would work right now. Amaya looked like she was just fine with all of this. Inara must’ve been affecting her even more significantly than she was affecting Evie…right? That was the only explanation Evie could think of. She kept staring at Amaya. Eventually, she saw Amaya’s eyes, though only half-opened, seemed to be looking at something. Evie followed Amaya’s line of sight across the kitchen, to the fridge.

Not the fridge. What was on it. Attached by a couple of kitschy palm tree magnets — it was two pieces of paper. Pieces of paper Evie immediately recognized because she’d spent a not insignificant amount of effort coloring them in. They were the two pictures of MagiHeart Moon that Evie had colored in for her assignments. Except, as the girl looked at the pictures of the girl now, with her gray eyes, her hair pulled back into a ponytail and bangs and her diaper on display, Evie wasn’t seeing the fictional character Annette Hirai anymore.

Evie’s eyes slowly got bigger. A thought started creeping into her head. She really hoped she was wrong.

“I-Inara?” She asked.

“Hmmm?” Inara asked, finally taking her attention off of Inara. “What’s wrong, Evie, do you need to go, too?” She asked, immediately getting a groan out of Evie.

“No — no! I just. Need to ask you something!” She said. There was a sense of urgency in her voice. “D’you remember when I fell asleep on the couch earlier this morning?”

“Mmhm,” Inara said with a nod as she rubbed Amaya’s back. “Why do you ask, dear?” Evie took in a breath and…hesitated. The question had a hard time making it to her lips, not because of any manipulation of her body but, honestly, because she was scared of the answer.

“What happened while I was asleep?” She forced out.

“Oh, well,” Inara said nonchalantly. “Not much, dear, it was only for a few minutes. When you laid down, I saw you had finished coloring your picture, so I looked it over - it was perfect, by the way, you did a very good job,” she said. Evie grimaced. She really didn’t need compliments on how good she’d been at coloring with crayons. “And I wanted to put it on the fridge,” she said, gesturing to the fridge. “But, first, I showed it to Amaya,” she said, looking down at Amaya in her arms.

Evie felt a pit open up in her stomach. Inara smiled at her.

“Amaya thought it was very good too,” Inara said. “Then…right after that was about when you woke up.”

Evie felt her heart race. The two times Amaya had gotten worse and more compliant to what Inara wanted had been signaled by her having an accident, first in her underwear, then in her diaper as she desperately clung onto Inara for comfort. She recreated both moments in her head, the former with what Inara had just told her and the latter from memory, desperately hoping she would remember something that would tell her she was wrong. But she wasn’t. She knew she was putting it all together correctly. Twice today, she had finished her “assignment” of coloring the page, then seconds later…

“There we go, all done,” Inara said, her words and the slight pop of the bottle being pulled out of Amaya’s mouth interrupting Evie’s train of thought. “Are you nice and full now, dear?”

“Mmm….mhm…” Amaya nodded, her eyes slowly opening and closing. Now that she had a full stomach, she didn’t look long for the world of the waking. Inara, meanwhile, gathered up Evie’s plate, which was mostly empty.

“Did you have enough too, Evie?” She asked.

“Uh…y-yeah,” Evie murmured. She shifted in her chair, starting to get out of it and felt her seat squish against her bottom, making her wince. She’d been so focused on what was going on with Amaya, she’d almost forgotten the state of her own diaper. She really, really, really didn’t like that she’d almost forgotten about the state of her diaper. “Uh…c-can I have a change now?” She asked, then quickly added, “Please?”

“Of course, dear, I’ll change you before bedtime,” Inara said. She glanced at the clock. “Mmmn….close, but not quite,” she said. Amaya was practically already dozing off in her arms, though. She looked at Evie. “We can fit in one more episode of MagiHeart, if you’d like, Evie. Do you want that?”

‘I really, really, really don’t,’ Evie thought.

“Y…yeah,” Evie said, fidgeting in her chair and giving a little nod. “Mmhm.”

‘Ffffuuuck!’ If she could, Evie would slap her face into her palm. That was getting really annoying.

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