[Standard Content Warning: This is an ABDL story blog, that means stories on this page contain diapers, diaper usage (like, lots of it), infantilism and the like! In addition, mental and physical manipulation, bondage and nonconsensual or dubiously consensual employment of all of the above themes and many others may also apply. Viewer discretion is advised.]
“Oh, my goodness.”
Evie’s eyes slowly opened as light entered the room. She turned her head and rubbed her eyes a few times. She saw Inara standing over the crib. She looked shocked at what she saw. Evie looked and her mouth hung open and her heart sunk - she had hoped (maybe deluded herself into thinking) she’d succeeded at rolling off of Amaya, but….no.
Amaya was still trapped underneath her diaper and it was definitely not the clean diaper Inara had left Evie in when she’d put her in the crib, nor the slightly messy one Evie had fallen asleep in, it having grown quite a bit wetter and fuller over the course of the night. Evie watched as Inara approached the crib and leaned over it, her shock having faded to an amused expression as she looked at the inglorious situation these two girls had tangled themselves into. She let the bars of the crib down and grabbed Evie’s pacifier and her doll, putting the former back into her mouth before she lifted Evie out of the crib.
“Huuuuh…!” Amaya immediately gasped, breathing in and out rapidly through her nose. Her eyes were glassy and staring vacantly upwards. She didn’t look like she entirely knew where where she was, which she could be forgiven for after eight hours with a full diaper parked on top of her face. Evie just let out a giant breath of relief that she hadn’t accidentally suffocated her.
“Now why were you teasing poor Amaya so badly with your mushy bottom, Evie? Did you have her stuck like that all night?” Inara asked with a chuckle as she tickled Evie’s stomach with one of her fingers. She mostly just seemed to find this whole thing kind of funny. Evie didn’t appreciate it, just grumbling into her freshly restored pacifier.
‘I wasn’t doing it on purpose!’ She thought as she was carried out of the bedroom. She had just been sleeping on her side, then before she knew it, she was falling down on top of Amaya! Why was she sleeping with her head right in the middle of the mattress for Evie to fall on top of her, anyway!? As baffling as that was, even worse was the fact that Amaya had just…laid there.
‘I’ve seen Amaya deadlift weights heavier than me…’ Evie thought, thinking back to times she’d watched Miss Nightingale and Evie’s training. It usually started as Evie wanting to work out with them, then after about fifteen minutes, it became the two of them working out while Evie ate ice cream and watched. The point was, Evie knew how strong Amaya was, she could’ve rolled Evie’s butt off of her with about two fingers if she wanted to. Either she hadn’t done it because she physically couldn’t, which meant she had somehow because just as weak as Evie was now, or mentally, she was unable or unwilling to do so, which meant she was even further gone than Evie was. Evie honestly didn’t know which of those was worse, before it hit her that it didn’t actually matter.
‘…it doesn’t matter,’ she thought to herself. ‘Cause whether it’s her body or in her head….’
“I’d rather be her baby than your servant!”
The words burned Evie. They burned in her ears, they burned in her chest. She felt a bit of physical pain just thinking about them. Whatever the reason Amaya had been unable or unwilling to move Evie off of her, that weakness was what she wanted. Evie swallowed. She didn’t even know if she was helping Amaya by stopping her from being regressed further. Hell, she didn’t even know if she was sure she was doing anything to meaningfully slow it down anymore.
She was so lost in thought, she didn’t realize she’d been sat down on the floor of the living room until she looked up. Her bottom had been sunken into the seat of her messy diaper for a couple minutes now. A little grimace covered her face. Her body didn’t react at all to being squished around in her full diapers anymore and barely even reacted to the process of filling them. She had traded today’s change for an extra change last night, so she knew she was stuck in this one all day and all night…she had a bad feeling today’s diaper was probably gonna end up even worse than yesterday’s.
Evie looked up when she felt a hand on her head.
“I checked in on Amaya. She’s fine, but she’s going to sleep in for a bit, dear, she had a stressful night,” she explained. Evie looked down and Inara tipped her head back up. “It’s okay, dear, you didn’t do anything wrong. I understand you didn’t mean to do it and I’m sure Amaya does too.” She let out a little laugh into her hand. “And besides, if that was how you two wanted to play, I’m sure it would be fine, as long as you don’t do it for so long.”
That just got Evie to shake her head - just like before, when she’d kept suggesting that Evie and Amaya were messing themselves on purpose, now she was suggesting they might do something like this to each other on purpose. True to form, Inara just couldn’t let any humiliation go by without finding some hypothetical way to make it worse. But she quickly moved on from the hypothetical to the unfortunately very real as she held up a piece of paper.
Pretty much the only thing that could’ve made the start of Evie’s morning even worse was seeing that freakin’ piece of coloring paper and that box of crayons again and both were being set down in front of her.
“Now, dear, I know you didn’t want to draw yesterday, but….well. This might be your last chance for a while. Tomorrow we might have to move on to something a little simpler than coloring, like finger painting.” Inara lightly shrugged her shoulders. “If we do anything at all. This might just be our last assignment.”
Evie didn’t know if Inara was trying to warn her or if she was just mocking her. At the moment, she didn’t really care. She just stared at the ground for a second. She felt a familiar sense of fear encroaching on her as she looked at the picture of Amaya in a fairy onesie, same as it was yesterday. The fear of what would happen if she refused to color in the picture again started to push in on her, before she felt a sudden surge of something else build up in her chest. She suddenly spat out her pacifier, where it bounced on the carpeted floor in front of her. She looked up at Inara.
“What the hell are you getting out of this?!” She asked, her voice a mix of days of frustration and a true sense of exasperation. She’d been trying to fight for the last few days and it hadn’t worked at any point. Right now, she wanted something else. “Whatever you’re doing, however you’re doing it, it’s obvious you have the power to do whatever you want to the two of us, so why are you jumping through all of these hoops, why are we playing these stupid games with the rules and the pictures, why are you torturing me with this game where I keep having to choose between myself and my friend?! If you want to turn us into your weird baby pets, why not just do it?!”
Right now, she just wanted answers. Her hands had balled up into fists and were shaking by the end of her diatribe. Inara stared down at her for a few seconds…then there was a sudden shift in the woman’s demeanor as she looked away and let out a low, bitter chuckle. She bit her lip and stared out the window, slowly shaking her head. For a few seconds, the only sound was that of the storm outside. In that moment, Inara looked almost as frustrated as Evie felt.
“I’m sorry. It seems I’ve failed to meet your standards, haven’t I?” She asked, and looked back at Evie. “Clearly, you were hoping that at the end of your journey you’d find more of a mustache twirling villainess and I’ve failed to measure up,” she said, sparing no sarcasm or irritation in her voice. Whatever reaction Evie was respecting, this wasn’t it, but she wasn’t deterred.
“Isn’t that what you are?” She asked. All of the love and admiration she’d had for Inara when she’d gotten here was so badly broken and poisoned by everything that had happened. It wouldn’t have been accurate to say there was no conflict left in her feelings, but she had a lot of anger for this woman by this point.
“If I am, then what does that make you?” Inara asked, sounding almost bored. “Are you the plucky heroine, meant to defeat me?” She asked. Evie looked away, not answering. Inara let out a little snort. “Who, then?” She asked as she picked up the piece of coloring paper on the ground. “All of this stubbornness of yours…is that you trying to do your part to save the real heroine?” She asked.
“If that’s how you view Amaya, have you told her that? Have you ever told you how much you care about her? Does Amaya have even the slightest idea that anybody on this planet has any feelings for her in an entirely not-practical, unconditional way? Or does she just view herself as the imposition that you send away to sit in the middle of the ocean when she’s not convenient to you?”
The question struck Evie hard. It was true she’d been refusing to do the assignments for Amaya’s sake, but…had it been because she cared about her, or because she just wanted Amaya to snap out of it and get her out of here? Evie wished she could confidently say it was the former, but how many times had she decided that Amaya was her only hope of getting out of here? That had been her primary motivation for everything she’d done the last few days…
“Inara knows my feelings for her,” Inara said. “She knows because I tell her over and over how much I care about her. You…” Inara looked down at Evie and Evie saw an expression she hadn’t seen on the woman’s face since she’d gotten here, but it was an expression she recognized in an instant, because it was one she was very familiar with.
It was disappointment.
“You were so surprised when she told you this was what she wanted. So surprised and betrayed." Evie gasped. Inara had heard that conversation? Did that mean she had been aware of everything that had been happening in the bedroom up to that point, including Evie's previous failed attempts to talk to Amaya? Now that she thought about it, she didn't know why she would expect her not to be. She probably had a camera or a monitor stashed somewhere out of sight just in the unlikely event Evie did manage to make some kind of headway during an escape. Which also meant that, yes, all of that faux-shock at finding Evie on top of Inara had been just that, a total fiction. The thought that Inara had probably known they were like that the entire time and could've come and rolled Evie off of Amaya at literally any time just made it worse.
"You could never consider that giving up control of her life just to be loved might be a worthwhile trade for Amaya because you never thought of how little control she has in the first place," Inara continued. "Because you would never think of giving up the massive amount of control over your own life that you enjoy simply because of your last name.”
Evie felt herself getting continually more unnerved by everything Inara was saying. This didn’t make any sense to her, but in a way, it was fitting together. It was what Amaya had said - she’d rather be Inara’s baby than her servant. She didn’t think she treated Amaya like her servant, she thought she treated her like her friend. She racked her memory to try and think of something to prove it, but flustered as she was, it was difficult to sort through her own thoughts. She found herself rendered silent, not because of any manipulation on her body - she knew if she opened her mouth, she would say what she wanted to say right now. That was the problem. She couldn’t think of anything to say. So Inara kept going.
“You know…I might’ve guessed things would go this way,” she sighed. “I’ve met so many of them. So many Amayas who just want to be loved and have to survive on terms entirely outside of their control. And so, so many Evies, who are so very blind to the power and the privilege they have.” Evie winced. She knew her family was wealthy and powerful. She tried to at least live her life in awareness of it. Hearing Inara call her blind stung in the same way pretty much everything she was saying stung right now. “Your little art gallery idea, though, I have to admit, gave me pause for a moment. It sounded like something I would’ve thought of in my more naïve days, after I left the university. When I traveled all over, trying to do similar ventures. Bringing art and culture and light and love to all kinds of people, to the people that truly needed some sliver of light in their lives. I may not be able to do much, I told myself, but I can use what I have to give what I have. I can try and use my talent to raise money and show people there’s still light in this world if they know where to look. “
Her face fell into a frown. She stared outside at the storm. She took in a breath and let out a long sigh.
“But art can’t change people’s lives. Art can’t stop a flood. Or bring back somebody’s home. Or give them food. Or cure their sickness. Or give them back their loved one’s lives. In the face of all of the ways we’ve invented to destroy our lands, destroy our homes and destroy each other.” She let out another bitter laugh and shook her head. “Art is utterly meaningless to all of it. Which means I am utterly meaningless to all of it."
Evie’s mouth was hanging open. Her brows were raised and furrowed. She never would’ve thought she’d hear Inara say things like this, never thought the person who had inspired her to pursue a life in art could be have such bitter words for it. She was starting to realize it was that same bitterness that had led Inara to leave the world behind and retreat to this island.
“Every day, I can’t stop thinking about all of the people in pain that I’ve seen in this world and what I’d give to take even a small piece of that pain away….of course,” She turned her head back to Evie and gave her a sad, but still disappointed look. “Only someone as carefree as Evie Callahan could live on an island, watch cartoons, play with dolls and coloring books all day, have every single one of her needs taken care of and consider it torture.”
Evie was reeling - she felt like she’d been run over by a bus. She didn’t know what to say to any of this. She just gave a little shake of her head with as much defiance as she could muster and tried to push back.
“Y…you’re the one that made all these changes to us,” she said, her voice wavering, betraying her lack of confidence. “Y-you’re the one that’s taken control away from us, away from Amaya, the world didn’t do that, you did—!” She tried to say.
“Ohhhh,” Inara interrupted and leaned down, putting her hands on her knees. “Did I make Evie go poo-poo in her pants?” She asked in a condescending, sarcastic tone. “How many people in this world do you think would trade their lives for a life of comfort, security and leisure if it meant they had to sit in their own poo-poo pants for half the day? Hmmmm?” She asked, tilting her head. Evie’s attempt to push back just made her burn with yet more shame. She didn’t have a response. She just stared at the ground. Not for the first time, she felt tears stinging her eyes again.
“Why me, then?” She asked, weakly, unable to stop her quiet voice from crackling or keep herself from sniffling. “Why not them?” Inara seemed to have realized she may have gone a bit too far and her face softened as she looked down at Evie, clearly upset by this conversation. She let out a little sigh and picked Evie up, taking her to the couch and sitting down, setting the girl down next to her. She patted the side of her head a couple times.
“Well….that’ll make a bit more sense to you someday, I suppose,” she said. Evie didn’t know what that meant. But she did know it meant she wasn’t getting any kind of answer as to why all of this was happening to her. That just burned the frustration in her stomach even hotter. “I didn’t mean to torture you, Evie. Honestly, I didn’t,” she said, her voice growing a bit softer as she wrapped an arm around Evie’s shoulder. “I admit, though, I did want to make you do something you probably haven’t had to do very often in your life. I wanted to make you make a difficult choice.” From Evie’s perspective, calling what had gone on with those pictures a ‘difficult choice’ felt like the understatement of the century.
“I don’t even know what choice I’m making anymore,” she admitted, quietly, staring at the ground.
“Mmmn…” Inara murmured and Evie thought she might’ve caught a bit of agreement in her tone. “You know…you may have a point, dear, with something you said, earlier. Maybe…I wanted to see what your choice was because I was hoping it would go a certain way. To that effect, I supposed I have been playing games with you.” Evie turned her head. After Inara had just spent the last few minutes steamrolling her, she really hadn’t expected her to admit anything like this.
“Let’s be fair to each other, then and lay everything out, shall we?” She asked, going back to rubbing Evie’s hair. “Let’s start with the obvious - this island is your home, now. Now that you know Amaya isn’t going to be spearheading any daring escape attempts, you must be able to see that much.” Evie swallowed. She’d been trying to run from that thought for days now, but hearing Inara say it so plainly made it impossible to keep ignoring it.
“M…my family will notice we’re gone,” she said. “Even if it takes them two weeks to realize we’re missing, instead of just on vacation, this is the first place they’ll look.” At that, Inara let out another fond chuckle, as if Evie was back to acting like a baby and had just said something very, very silly.
“Evie, my heart, I didn’t think you had such a low opinion of me,” she asked and ruffled Evie’s hair before going back to softly, rhythmically stroking it. “Do you really think I did all of this without having thought of that? I know the lengths the fearsome, ferocious, well-connected Callahan family and their head of security will go to and the resources they’ll expend to get you back, if they believe you to be in danger. I put all of my precautions to deal with that little set of eventualities into place several days ago, dear.” Evie’s brow furrowed.
“What does that mean?” She asked. Her family was really wealthy. They had access to a lot more resources than Inara did and they could also just…call the police, if they realized she was missing, effectively kidnapped. Even if she had this weird capability to control Evie and Amaya, how could she possibly be prepared for all of that when she was just one woman? In response, Inara raised a finger and booped Evie on the nose.
“That’ll just have to be a surprise, too, dear,” she said. “But as far as this goes…” She held up the paper again. “I’ll stop playing games with you now, I suppose,” she said. “I’ll explain everything to you and let you make your own choice.” She set the paper in Evie’s lap.
“You can decide you want to be a big girl and color in the page. I’ll even let you grow back up a bit.” Evie’s eyes widened a bit, her attention clearly gotten. Inara quickly held up a finger. “You’ll have to stay in your fairy diapers,” she said, giving a pat to the very well-sodden front of Evie’s diaper, which was still pink in some places, but increasingly discolored in others. “I do think you’ll be a lot happier if you can simply decide to stop worrying about your accidents, dear. They’re going to come one way or the other. You might as well not be bothered by them, right?”
“Easy for you to say, you’re not the one dealing with them,” Evie grumbled.
“Speaking as the person who’s been wrist deep in cleaning you up for the past several days, I beg to differ,” Inara said in a playful tone. “But you can have your strength back. You can walk around and you’ll only need one naptime per day. Much as I enjoy spending time cuddling with the both of you, you won’t have to be quite so clingy with me. I’ll let you go back to things a bit more advanced than simple coloring. We’ll find some other things to do together, like painting. Although I can’t promise the storms won’t still scare you out of whatever you’re doing when they come around.” Her words were punctuated by a faint rumble. Evie swallowed as she looked out the window, then looked back at Inara. It…certainly sounded better than her current situation, but there was one thing Inara hadn’t mention.
“What about Amaya?” She asked, warily.
“If you color in the picture, Amaya will wind up where you are now,” Inara confirmed. Evie grimaced. That didn’t really answer her question.
“And worse?” She asked.
“Is it worse if it’s what she wants?” Inara asked back without missing a bit. Evie pursed her lips. Another non-answer, but. It pretty much told Evie what she needed to know. She really would be trading Amaya’s mind and body to save her own skin. Her face must’ve looked as dubious on the offer as she felt, because Inara seemed very aware she didn’t look interested.
“Or,” she added. “You can refuse again, and you already know what will happen. Or you at least have some ideas, I’m sure. The only difference is, now you know you won’t be doing it to save Amaya, because you already know it’s something she wants. Refusing for her sake would be sacrificing yourself for nothing and denying Amaya what will make her happy. It would simply be a cruel, spiteful action and even if I’ve been a little hard on you, I don’t think you’re that kind of person, Evie. So if you refuse again, you’re doing it because you want to be my baby, too.” Inara lightly cupped Evie’s chin. “And I’ll love you for it, of course. I’ll care for you better than anybody else ever could, my heart.”
Evie stared into Inara’s eyes for a long, quiet moment. There it was. Inara said she would lay everything out and she did. She even offered Evie…something of a reprieve. It felt absurd that the life raft being thrown to Evie was still wetting and messing herself constantly (and being forced to sit in it for most of the day….), but she would get back things like being able to walk. It was still sacrificing almost all of her autonomy and dignity and resigning herself to be cared for by someone she still felt pretty much totally betrayed by. But compared to where she was now and compared to where she might end up, it really was a big difference. If Inara was right and she wasn’t getting off this island no matter what, then that was probably the best deal she was gonna get. Any chance of an adult life was gone either way, but at least Evie would have some control of herself left.
But she would have to sacrifice Amaya.
But that was apparently what Amaya wanted.
Evie looked away at the piece of paper, at the drawing of Amaya in a fairy onesie, an utterly infantilized representation of her friend. She had zero doubt in her mind now, if she colored in this picture, it would become a reality.
She had to decide, right now, if she was okay with being responsible for that.
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