[Standard Content Warning: This is an ABDL story blog, that means stories on this page contain diapers, diaper usage (like, lots of it), infantilism and the like! In addition, mental and physical manipulation, bondage and nonconsensual or dubiously consensual employment of all of the above themes and many others may also apply. Viewer discretion is advised.]
“Hoooo, that’s cold—!” Evie suddenly squeaked out when she felt a burst of cold water hit her butt. While she’d been looking away, Amaya had, one would probably think unsurprisingly, grabbed the shower head and was using it to help clean Evie up.
“Sorry,” Amaya said sheepishly and turned the heat up.
“M…mmn…” Evie murmured back. Eventually, continuing to be silent was getting to her and she had something hanging on her mind so she just said it. “…are we. Gonna have to keep wearing diapers?”
“I admit, I’m not sure,” Amaya said. Seemed like she had been thinking about it as well. “We don’t know how Inara did this to us. Whether it was hypnosis or some kind of biological agent or…something else.” Evie let out a huff. She felt like a jackass for settling on ‘magic’, but, well, alternate explanations still weren’t making themselves apparent. And apparently Amaya agreed, as she added, “The control she was exerting over our minds and bodies isn’t really explainable by any logical means, so we don’t know what to expect, but, I can guess at a couple of things.” Evie blinked. That was news to her, because she was still sitting somewhere at the corner of ‘jack’ and ‘bubkus’ as far as explanations went.
“A couple of things like what?” She asked.
“She targeted you, specifically, for a reason. That much is clear. She wanted you to come to her island, alone, so she could do this to you,” Amaya explained. “She was able to make it so that when you drew something, it affected other people.” Evie grimaced. By ‘other people’, she meant herself. That made Evie feel a little uneasy. Amaya continued. “…there’s a chance she planned to use you to affect other people. Possibly your family.”
That made Evie feel incredibly uneasy.
“When my mother finds out about all of this, if I know how she thinks, then for the security of yourself and the rest of your family, she’ll likely want to keep you isolated,” Amaya said. She didn’t sound like she felt good about it.
“I think you know how she thinks, ‘cause I think I know how she thinks and I was thinking that that does sound a lot like her,” Evie said. Her tone had a lot of wryness to it, but she wasn’t able to hide it in her eyes, or the way she bit down on her lip that she was unnerved. “I guess she probably won’t wanna put me in the penthouse, cause that’s where mom usually stays. She’ll probably find one of the other apartments or…” She let out a little laugh. “Maybe I’ll have the old house all to myself. That’d be kinda cool.” She was trying to mask it, but she knew she was doing a bad job. After being trapped on that island and not knowing if she’d ever escape, the idea of being isolated somewhere and unable to leave, even for her safety and the safety of others was really scary.
The feeling of her new diaper being taped up didn’t really help matters. The soft, warm, fluffy padding certainly felt better than the swampy disaster she had been wearing before. But if she had to keep wearing these stuck in a house her family hadn’t lived in for years, man, that was a stone cold bummer. She looked down at her diaper and put a hand on it. Still could barely make an indent in it. God, these things were preposterously big. How had Inara found these?
“….how’d you think your mom is gonna react to this?” She asked.
“I think she’ll be very confused. Then, when she sees the footage and hears my full report, she’ll still be perplexed about this part in particular,” Amaya said, rolling up the towel Evie had been laying on and spreading out a new one for herself. “But I think if she has any anger over it, she’ll aim it at Inara very quickly. My mother is goal-oriented that way.”
“She sure is,” Evie said. She let out a snort. “I don’t think she’ll be volunteering to do any changes, either.” Amaya blushed and fidgeted a little.
“No. I think she’ll provide us with supplies and tell us we’re on our own from there.” Evie laughed at that. She was pretty sure she agreed.
Evie looked away as Amaya undid her own diaper and then hopped into the shower to clean herself off. She pulled the shower curtain closed for a bit of privacy, but neither one of them broached the idea of Evie leaving while Amaya cleaned up. Neither one of them really wanted to be alone at the moment. So Evie just sat there, up against the wall.
“….Amaya?” She eventually said. By that point, Amaya had gotten out of the shower and started toweling off. Evie had to praise her self-control, because she was pretty sure she would’ve stood under the water for an hour. She still might whenever she got a chance.
“Yes?” Amaya asked, looking back at Evie.
“D’you. Really think your mom is gonna make me stay totally by myself, somewhere?” She asked, rubbing her leg as she did. She’d been able to fight it off for a few moments, but she couldn’t bother anymore. She was really scared of that idea. Amaya paused for a moment, then finished toweling herself off. She then grabbed a new fairy diaper and taped it up around her waist - again, Evie had no idea how she’d managed the self-control to actually put it on.
Once the diaper was on, she sat down on the floor next to Evie.
“…I know this much,” she said. “Whatever happens, I’ll be by your side.” She looked at Evie. “No matter what.” Evie couldn’t hide her smile or her relief. She reached out and took Amaya’s hand. She felt Amaya give her hand a small squeeze back.
“What if your mom says no?” She asked. Amaya paused. She thought about it for a second. Then she looked up at the ceiling.
“Then I’ll probably tell her to go fuck herself and do it anyway.”
Evie let out a laugh that quickly mixed in with some sniffling sounds. Her emotions were getting all mixed up. Fear and relief and affection and gratitude. It wasn’t the first time she’d felt overwhelmed in the past few days. This time, at least, it was mostly positive emotions.
The two just sat there for a little while, holding each other’s hand. Eventually, Evie turned towards Amaya. Amaya looked back at her. Evie leaned in and kissed her on the lips for just a couple seconds, then pulled back.
“….thank you for saving me, Amaya,” she said. “You’re amazing.”
“….buh.” Amaya stammered back. Her face was getting red again. Evie let out another little laugh.
She sounded exhausted. She felt exhausted. But she also felt pretty good, all things considered. A few moments later, though, she realized she was feeling something else. It came out, in the form of a yawn, that turned into a groan.
“I’m getting tired again,” she realized. “This sucks…why’s it all wearing off for you and not for me?” She asked.
“Mmn…it may just be because we had a very long few days and all of the stress is catching up with you,” Amaya said, and Evie thought that it was very nice of her to phrase it that way. She knew the truth was just that Amaya was a lot hardier than her because that was Amaya’s job. “Here.” Amaya took Evie’s arm and started to get up. “Let me take you to bed,” she said. Evie grabbed her arm and gave her a light pull.
“Can we just…sit here for a little while instead?” She asked. “Just. Just a few minutes. Then I’ll go to bed and you can go back to the wheel.” Amaya thought about that and then nodded.
“I need to check the status of the storm and the transfer,” she admitted. “But…I would like that.” Evie let out a breath and rested her head on Amaya’s shoulder. Amaya leaned to her side to let her do it. She felt the side of her head touch the top of Evie’s.
And they just stayed like that for a few moments. And eventually, Amaya was aware that Evie had drifted off to sleep. She decided to give it another minute or two before she took her to bed. That was probably fine.
The loud noise made Amaya sit up straight, which jostled Evie enough to, combined with the noise, wake her up. Amaya sat up straight - was it the storm? No. It didn’t sound like a bolt from a storm surge. Either way, it was hard to imagine what that noise could’ve been that was good, so she stood up, putting a hand on Evie’s shoulder as she did.
“Evie, I’ll be right back,” she said quietly. She started for the door, only to stop when a hand came around from the other side and grabbed the door frame. Amaya felt her breath catch in her throat as she stopped and the owner of the hand stepped into view.
Evie exclaimed her name while Amaya stood, rooted to the ground. Inara stared down at the two of them, a stony look on her face. Time seemed to stand still for a moment. Inara’s eyes slowly went between the two, then focused on Amaya
‘How…how is it possible that she caught up to us?’ Inara asked herself. How could she possibly have chased them, how could she find them on the open ocean? Just as soon as all of those questions went through Amaya’s mind, she realized they didn’t matter, because she saw something in Inara’s hand. It was the laptop from the helm, along with the port that had been connected to it. With Amaya’s lenses still in the port.
Amaya felt a burst of urgency give her back the capacity to move. She lunged forward. Inara grabbed her shoulder with one hand and just forced Amaya out of the way, sending her tumbling back into the shower. Amaya caught her footing and lunged again, trying to grab the laptop out of Inara’s other hand. Inara just grabbed Amaya by the collar and lifted her up.
“Nnngghhh!” Amaya grunted as she grabbed at Amaya’s arm, trying to pull it off of her. Again, Inara just tossed her back, sending Amaya back into a wall and knocking the wind out of her. ‘I knew it…she’s strong!’ Being right didn’t feel like it was worth much now. Inara had created enough distance to get to where she wanted - the window. Amaya reached a hand out.
“Wait - NO!”
Inara snapped her elbow backwards, smashing out the window. A second later, the lenses went out the window and into the water. For good measure, so did the laptop.
“Oh, nooo……” Evie, meanwhile, had dropped into a sitting position, hands over her mouth. She looked horrified. Inara stood up straight and adjusted her robe, a congenial smile appearing on her face.
“There we go,” she said. “Now we can talk.” Amaya huffed and puffed, glowering at Inara and at that moment, all three of them were positive Amaya was about to do everything in her power to beat the tar out of Inara. Amaya bit her lip, slowed down her breathing and brought up her fists. Inara just laughed.
“Well, I say talk, but. I suppose fighting your way out of this situation is your only real option at this point, isn’t it?” She asked. “Especially since I’m not going to be falling for any of your fibs a second time, am I, my love?” And both girls felt the trace of bitterness in her voice. Evie wasn’t sure if she was unhappier about being tricked or that she’d been wrong about Amaya wanting to stay with her, after all. Either way, underneath that thin smile, she was clearly not thrilled.
“I don’t want to listen to you talk anymore,” Amaya hissed.
“That’s fine,” Inara chuckled. “You can have your headphones back in a moment.”
The whole thing unfolded in a few seconds. Amaya took a swing at Inara’s head with her left. Inara grabbed her arm. Amaya grabbed Inara’s wrist with her right, slipped her left hand out of Inara’s grip and bent Inara’s arm back. For all of a second or two, it looked like Amaya had Inara in a wrist lock and she had every intention of breaking her arm. But Amaya was spun on her feet so she was facing away from Inara and was pulled backwards and lifted up. Before Amaya knew what had happened, she was turned around and off the ground, arms and legs flailing in the air.
She had been positioned with her back to Inara, so she didn’t see Inara reaching into the pocket of her robe, but, Evie did.
“That’s quite enough of this,” Inara murmured as she slipped something out of her pocket and held it towards Amaya’s face.
“Nnn…nnn…!” Amaya swung her arms, trying for the life of her to knock away whatever it was in Inara’s hand. Inara moved the girl’s hands out of the way and in one swift motion, pulled it over her head. It was an eyemask, settling into place neatly over her eyes. Amaya grabbed at the mask for all of half a second…
….then her arms went limp. Then the rest of her went limp, her mouth hanging open.
Evie had been sitting still, bolted to the spot while everything since Inara’s sudden arrival had unfolded and then gone wrong so very quickly. But when she saw the eyemask go over Amaya’s eyes and then watched all of the fight suddenly leave her body, she realized she was getting put under again. She moved towards Amaya and tried to pull the mask off. Inara lightly moved her hands away, so Evie grabbed Inara's arm instead. Not to fight, but to plead.
“Please — please, please! Not Amaya!” She begged. “Please don’t take her. Please don’t take her back! You said. You said this whole thing was about making me make a choice — I CHOOSE HER!” She said, frantically pointing at Amaya. Tears were pouring from her eyes as she held onto Inara’s arms. “Please. Please, you can have me. I’ll go back, I’ll stay on the island, I’ll do whatever you want. Please just let Amaya go!” She buried her head into Inara’s shoulder and just kept repeating her pleas over and over. It was utter surrender, she knew she was consigning herself to everything she’d tried so hard to avoid. She didn’t care anymore. Eventually, she felt a hand touch the top of her head and slowly stroke her hair.
“Oh, Evie. I'm moved,” Inara said and she sounded like she meant it. “I know you love Amaya very much. I understand why you’re worried about her. And I’m proud of you for being able to make your choice and stick with it. But….” The hand stroking her hand went around to her shoulder. “I have to admit my own misdeed. Like I said, I was playing games when I shouldn't have. I made you make a choice because I wanted you to make a certain choice. That was…my indulgence.” Evie swallowed. She looked up and saw Inara staring down at her. The smile vanished, replaced with a serious, resolute expression.
“Hhh—“ Evie tried to back away. The arm around her shoulder held tight and pulled her back in.
“I really did want this to go a different way,” Inara said, sounding genuinely apologetic as she held a second eyemask in her other hand. Evie tried to scramble away for all she was worth, but it turned out it wasn’t worth anything. Inara held her in place and pulled the mask over her eyes. Evie saw a black and white design on the inside of the mask before she just saw darkness. She sucked in a breath and tried to claw at the mask, rip it off, but after a second, all of the dexterity left her fingers and her arms just fell back to her sides. Her legs turned to jelly next. She was going limp in Inara’s arms.
“We all have to put aside what we want, now,” Evie heard Inara say. She sounded further away. “And focus on what’s important. We all have a job to do, now.”
The next thing Evie was aware of was a rubber nipple entering her mouth. She didn’t see it, but a second one had entered Amaya’s mouth. Barely a few seconds passed before both girls had started quietly nursing.
They were both only vaguely aware as they were picked up, carried out of the bathroom and taken a couple doors down to the master bedroom, where they were laid down next to each other. Neither one was aware of Inara heading to the helm, taking the wheel and turning the boat around. Only a few moments passed before she returned and continued feeding them.
“Ha…finally, we have a truly beautiful day to enjoy.”
Inara briefly took off her sunhat to look up. The sun was shining down, there was a pleasant breeze blowing, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky to worry about. She took a few seconds to just enjoy the warmth of the sun directly on her face before she put her hat back on.
“Even after the storm was gone, it was still so cloudy and drizzly for a couple of days, there. I was afraid I was never going to get to show you two any of the island besides the house.”
She put her hands on the bar in front of her and gave it a push. The stroller continued moving along the small paved path. The wheels hit a little dip in the pavement and bumped up and down. Inara heard a loud squeak come from the stroller.
“Oop, did I bounce you a bit, there, my heart?” Inara asked with a chuckle. Another muffled noise came from the front of the stroller. The noises were coming from the left, unsurprisingly. Evie always sat on the left and she was the talkative one. Amaya sat next to her on the right and she was usually quieter. Both girls were strapped into the stroller, legs and arms secured down with soft buckles and cuffs and straps over their shoulders, around their waists and in between their legs. Neither girl could do much more than wriggle. Amaya didn’t even do that much. She just sat quietly. Evie was very much a wriggler and constantly stretched against her straps.
“”Are you having fun up there, dear?” Inara asked as the stroller hit another bump. Evie let out another muffled noise. Both girls had eyemasks covering most of the top half of their faces and pacifiers covering most of the bottom half of their faces. They were both wearing onesies with fairy designs on them. Amaya’s had a sleeping moon on it while Evie’s had a smiling sun. Beneath their onesies, they were also wearing obviously very full diapers, obvious from the way they strained against the seat of their onesies, obvious from the wet squishing noises each time they hit a bump or shifted in their stroller seats.
Obvious from the way Evie reacted when the straps of her stroller rubbed against the front of her diaper. Her attention was clearly dominated by the bounces every time the stroller hit a bump or the pressure every time her straps pushed against her front. From the excited murmuring into her pacifier every time one or the other happened, she didn’t seem to mind. Amaya, on the other hand, was just sitting quietly, barely even moving, just rhythmically sucking on her pacifier. Her fidgeting every time she bounced in her seat was definitely harder to notice. But that didn’t mean it wasn’t happening.
“Now, this trail goes directly to the backyard, and there’s something very fun I’d like to show you when we get there…”
Inara didn’t seem to mind if they weren’t listening to her. It was a beautiful day, after all. There was nothing to do but enjoy it together.
“Did you girls enjoy your stroller ride?”
The question didn’t get an answer as Inara carried the girls back into their bedroom. Almost noon, time for their first nap. She let the bars of the crib down, but first, she laid both girls on the changing table.
“Let’s get these taken care of before naptime, shall we?” She asked and then opened up Evie’s diaper first. Unsurprisingly, from all of that wiggling around in her stroller, she’d made quite a mess of herself. Inara, of course, didn’t mind, dutifully lifting up Evie’s legs, wiping her all over, powdering her and doing everything else to get her cleaned up, as she had well over a dozen times by this point. She did the same for Amaya, removing her messy diaper and cleaning her up.
“Hm, hm, you’re a bit less bouncy than Evie today, aren’t you, Amaya?” She asked as she finished powdering Amaya’s bottom. Amaya very softly muttered something in response. With Amaya cleaned up, Inara took her messy diaper…
Then, she lifted Evie’s legs back up and slid it under her bottom. She took Evie’s diaper, lifted Amaya’s bottom up and slid it under Amaya’s bottom. Both girls squeaked more loudly when they felt their freshly cleaned bottoms sinking back into a mess. Inara fondly chuckled as she pulled the front of Amaya’s diaper (now on Evie) up and re-taped it, then closed up Evie’s diaper (now on Amaya). Both diapers were full front and back, utterly soaked and soiled, every single inch of padding rendered a swampy, slimy, mushy disaster. And they were both barely taped back up before the girls started moving around on the table.
“Mmmhm,” Inara said with a nod. “The two of you have gotten quite used to sitting in your own little stinkers and even sleeping in them. But you really like being changed into each other’s poopy diapers, don’t you?” She asked as she reaffixed the girls’ onesies, snapping them back into place and compressing the disastrously full fairy diapers against both girls. Neither girl could answer her, for various reasons, the most of which was that they were both quite distracted. Both of them were moving back and forth, clearly trying to deliberately mush themselves into their new diapers the best they could. Inara appreciated them doing their best to confirm her suspicions, even if they couldn’t answer her.
She took both of them and laid them down in the crib. The bars went up. She pulled the blinds down to darken the room.
“Mmmn…maybe some bouncer time for both of them after their nap…” Inara mused as she closed the door.
The two girls picked up where they left off in their crib, trying to do their own bouncing the best they could, but they were too uncoordinated to manage it. Eventually, Evie managed to fumble her way into rolling over onto Amaya. Even as uncoordinated and weakened and dazed as they were, they immediately knew this was what they wanted and nuzzled into each other, rubbing their cheeks against one another.
Evie started rubbing the front of her diaper against Amaya’s. The pressure pushed Amaya against the mattress, pushing her butt deep into her - into Evie’s mess. Amaya let out a long series of noises into her pacifier as she continued to move herself back and forth, rubbing against Evie above and the mattress below. The girls managed to move against each other enough to jar their stomachs loose. Amaya felt her bottom pushing more mush out.
Amaya was very dazed and very distracted, but she had enough awareness to feel a few things about her current situation. The first thought was that the feeling of messing herself in Evie’s diaper filled her with a warmth that she liked. The second thought was that eventually, she needed to figure out a way to roll over so Evie could be on her back and Amaya could be on top of her. Then Evie could feel her butt rubbing against the mattress like this. She wanted Evie to feel like this too. She wanted to share all of these nice warm feelings with Evie.
The third was just an impulse that she obeyed. Her arms, weak and jelly-like as they were, slowly came up and wrapped around Evie.
Wearing Evie’s diaper felt nice. Evie’s diaper getting rubbed both front and back felt really nice.
But Amaya was pretty sure….hugging Evie was definitely her favorite.
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