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[CLICK THIS PAGE FIRST, IMPORTANT INFO AND LINKS HERE]  Hello and thank you for visiting! I'm DramaPajamas, you can call me Drama, DP, o...

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Intimism, Epilogue

[Standard Content Warning: This is an ABDL story blog, that means stories on this page contain diapers, diaper usage (like, lots of it), infantilism and the like! In addition, mental and physical manipulation, bondage and nonconsensual or dubiously consensual employment of all of the above themes and many others may also apply. Viewer discretion is advised.] 

A beam of sun peeked through the blinds and hit Evie’s face, getting her to open her eyes. They fluttered open a couple times. She briefly rolled over to get away from the sun, but a few moments later, a thought hit her, an intense thought, the kind that came with an accompanying push.

“Murrrgghhh….” She grumbled and pushed the blanket off of her. She sat up and rubbed her eyes.

And her hand swiped to the left and grabbed her phone off of the nightstand. She tapped it once and saw her alarm was about to go off in 7 minutes.

“Knew it,” she murmured. Nothing pushed her to action like knowing she was gonna go back to sleep just to get roused awake by her alarm a few minutes later. She didn’t want to give her alarm that kind of power over her, so she struck back the best way she could - turning it off and getting out of bed on her own.

Fifteen minutes under the shower and a flush of the toilet later, she was out of the bathroom and, slightly de-zombified, grabbing her clothes to get dressed, while tossing others into her suitcase. A few minutes after that, she was dressed and heading outside, dragging her suitcase behind her with one hand, a cup of yogurt and granola in the other. She pulled up her hood to shield her eyes from the sun when she got outside. Her suitcase’s wheels rattled on the path away from the house and down to the docks, where she found the boat and the person preparing it.

“Good morning, Evie,” Amaya said with a bright smile. Evie stared at her. “The boat is ready to go.”

“You’ve been up for like two hours already, haven’t you?” Evie asked.

“Mmm!” Amaya nodded. “I watched the sunrise.” Evie couldn’t help but laugh. What she wouldn’t give to have Amaya’s attitude towards mornings. But something about what she’d said helped Evie wake up a bit herself. Amaya had gotten up to appreciate the sunrise, so maybe Evie should stop and appreciate some things before she left, too.

“…I’m glad to be going home,” she said. “But I’m really gonna miss this place,” she said, looking around at the island, the waves calmly lapping at its shore and the house that had been their home the last two weeks.

“Yes,” Amaya agreed. “I’m feeling a little emotional about it, too. I think…maybe that’s why I got up so early. So our last few hours here could be as long as possible.” Evie looked at her.

“That’s kinda poetic, Amaya,” she said.

“Y…do you think so?” Amaya asked, a faint pinkness covering her cheeks for just a second. Both girls were interrupted by the approach of someone else.

“Hey, Inara, you came to see us off!” Evie said, waving.

“Of course I did, dear,” Inara said. She was carrying something with her. It was a large rectangular shape, wrapped in thick packing paper, so it was slowing her down a bit. Amaya met her halfway and helped her carry it. “Oh - thank you, Amaya. I’m going to miss having somebody so much stronger than me was staying here,” she said with a bit of a weary chuckle, which got a bashful giggle out of Amaya. 

“Now - I wasn’t going to let you go without a proper farewell. And without giving you this,” she said, offering the rectangular package. Evie and Inara looked at each other. “Well, go on, you can take a peek,” Inara encouraged. Evie didn’t need to be told twice - she pulled off some of the tape and unwrapped the packing paper until she could see what it was - and gasped.

“Oh, my,” Amaya said.

“Holy shit!” Evie said much more eloquently.

It was a portrait. A pretty big one, as a matter of fact. It depicted not only Evie and Amaya, but their mothers, Mrs. Callahan and Miss Nightingale. Their mothers were each sat in a chair while the two daughters were standing next to the chair, a hand on their respective mother’s shoulder. The size of the portrait, the detail in the painting, the…accuracy of not only the two girls she’d been spending the last two weeks with, but their mothers. Evie was utterly blown away.

“Oh my gosh, when did you have time to make this!?” Evie asked.

“You’ve been hosting us the entire time the last two weeks…” Amaya murmured. Between Evie’s lessons, their other discussions and Inara entertaining the two of them, cooking meals for them and just generally spending the entire day with them - she didn’t know how it was physically possible to have found enough time to put this much paint on a canvas, muchless with this level of detail. “This is amazing.”

“This is like the best thing I’ve ever seen, oh my God, Inara!” Evie exclaimed.

“Oh, you two are buttering me up,” Inara said with a little wave of her hand. “I might have pulled an all-nighter or two, but I was glad to do it. Evie, you wore me down and got me to agree to come out of retirement,” she said with a wistful sigh. “…you helped me find something. Seeing you lit a fire inside me that I didn’t know I still had.”

“Eh…eheheh…” Evie rubbed her neck. She wanted to feel proud and puff her chest out, but hearing that kind of thing from her idol, honestly, it just made her feel humbled. “All I did was poke at it a little bit. You always had it in you.” She let out a breath. “This painting’s amazing. I’m gonna show my mom the second we get home, I’m sure we’ll get it framed and hung in the penthouse.” She raised a finger. “And as soon as I get home, I’m gonna start scouting locations to show you!” She declared.

“I can’t wait.” Inara reached out and hugged Evie. Evie hugged her back. “I can’t wait to see you again soon, Evie.”

“Yeah…me too!” Evie said back. She sniffed once, but kept her emotions in check. “Thank you for everything, Inara.”

“Mmm…the pleasure was all mine.”



Goodbyes said, Amaya and Evie got on their boat and disembarked. Clear blue water ahead and blue skies above, they were on their way home.

“You convinced her to come out of retirement and you’re going to be working with her. That’s very impressive, Evie,” Amaya complimented.

“Yeah…” Evie said. She still looked a little tired, but, it wasn’t because of the time, anymore. She felt her mind unwinding from the last two weeks. It was a well-earned, satisfied kind of exhaustion. “She was everything I remembered and more when I took her class years ago,” she said. “I’m really glad I came out here.”

“Mmm,” Amaya agreed. Eventually, she took her eyes off of steering and glanced at Evie for a second, before going back to pointing her eyes ahead. “Is everything alright?” She asked. “You’re staring at that portrait a lot.” And she wasn’t admiring it like she had been before, she looked like she was just…staring at it.

“Huh?” Evie suddenly shook her head and looked up. She had been lost in thought, she guessed. “Yeah. I’m okay,” she said as she wrapped the portrait up again. But even after she’d taped it back up, she kept staring.

“Evie, now you’re just staring at brown paper,” Amaya pointed out. Evie chuckled and set the portrait aside, balancing it against a wall.

“Aheheheh, I’m sorry. I’m just a little distracted,” she said. She paused, opened her mouth, closed it, then opened it again. “Hey. If this is like a totally stupid question, just stop me now. But when you saw the portrait. Did anything seem…off about it?” She asked. Amaya blinked.

“Off?” She asked. “Off, how?” And Amaya’s confusion was enough for Evie to wave a hand dismissively.

“Nothing. Nothing. I’m just still getting the sleep out of my eyes.”

“Okay,” Amaya said. “There’s coffee if you want it. Or you can go back to bed, if you want. I can handle things up here.”

“I’m going to head towards the former and we’ll see if I don’t get lost and end up in the latter,” Evie said. “No promises.”

“No promises,” Amaya agreed with a small giggle. Evie left the helm. Once Amaya was alone…she turned her head and glanced at that rectangle herself. She didn’t want to say it in front of Evie, because it felt so strange, but….now that she mentioned it.

‘The first time I saw that picture, right when Evie unwrapped it, I thought I saw something…odd,’ She said, only to herself, furrowing her brow a bit. ‘After I got a closer look, I was standing next to mother, but. For just a second when I first saw it, it looked like I was sitting in her lap, with. Some huge bulge around my waist, like a…’

She suddenly cleared her throat.

“Well. I must’ve just been seeing things,” she murmured to herself and focused 100% of her attention on her nautical duties.

Inara let out a sigh as she the hallways of her home, lightly tracing her fingers on the walls as she went. Now two occupants lighter, her home felt just a little bit emptier. It was difficult not to feel a bit forlorn about it. As she reached the end of the hall, her hand touched a doorknob and turned it. She walked through the door into her room. The master bedroom.

A smile came back to her face as she entered.

She was greeted by paintings, dozens of them. All of them of various girls - a few were of Evie and Amaya, but there were many others. She walked up to one of them and slowly ran her hand down, feeling the little bumps of the dried paint beneath her fingers.

“I can’t wait for my return,” she said. “I finally have my artistic drive back.” She pulled her hand off of the painting. White wisps of light danced around her fingers, before coalescing into a pulsing white light that engulfed her entire hand. She stared at it for a moment. Her smile grew wider. She closed her eyes and said nothing for a moment, just…


Eventually, she let out a breath. She found an unfinished painting and grabbed her brush.

“This time, with Evie and her family’s help. We’ll be able to reach so many more people. We’ll be able to help so many of them….” She briefly looked down at her hand and the brush held in it.

“Won’t we?”

She sat down and continued painting her next portrait.

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