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[CLICK THIS PAGE FIRST, IMPORTANT INFO AND LINKS HERE]  Hello and thank you for visiting! I'm DramaPajamas, you can call me Drama, DP, o...

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Intimism, Chapter 9

[Standard Content Warning: This is an ABDL story blog, that means stories on this page contain diapers, diaper usage (like, lots of it), infantilism and the like! In addition, mental and physical manipulation, bondage and nonconsensual or dubiously consensual employment of all of the above themes and many others may also apply. Viewer discretion is advised.] 

One more magical girl adventure later, both girls were back in their bedroom, laying on the changing table next to each other. Well, Evie was laying down. Amaya was, unsurprisingly, not letting go of Inara. Even half-asleep, her grip was stubborn.

“Amaya, my love, I need you to let me go. Dear, we have to put you on table so we can — oh, dear me, I know what I forgot,” Inara said with a little laugh. She pulled something out that immediately got Amaya’s attention - her pacifier, from before. “Now, Amaya, you can have your pacifier back, but you have to lay down for your change and then go in your crib, alright?”

Friday, November 29, 2024


[Standard Content Warning: This is an ABDL story blog, that means stories on this page contain diapers, diaper usage (like, lots of it), infantilism and the like! In addition, mental and physical manipulation, bondage and nonconsensual or dubiously consensual employment of all of the above themes and many others may also apply. Viewer discretion is advised.] 

[This is a story written based off of a prompt in a Bluesky post by Z.K. Fae! I originally intended to just write a little thing I could post on Bluesky myself, but then it wound up being over 1,000 words, so I just decided to toss it up on the blog. Enjoy!] 

One of the benefits of visiting a castle for a party is that there's plenty of unattended halls, corners and alleys to sneak away to if need be. 

One of the benefits of catching the eye of the princess that calls said castle her home is that she knows all of said halls, corners, etc. and knows which one to pick when she wants to sneak away with you. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Intimism, Chapter 8

[Standard Content Warning: This is an ABDL story blog, that means stories on this page contain diapers, diaper usage (like, lots of it), infantilism and the like! In addition, mental and physical manipulation, bondage and nonconsensual or dubiously consensual employment of all of the above themes and many others may also apply. Viewer discretion is advised.]  

“It’s okay, my love, it’s okay, Inara’s here…” Inara cooed, hugging the sniffling girl closer and softly rubbing her back. “Oh, my…did the storm scare you into having a little accident?” She asked.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Intimism, Chapter 7

[Standard Content Warning: This is an ABDL story blog, that means stories on this page contain diapers, diaper usage (like, lots of it), infantilism and the like! In addition, mental and physical manipulation, bondage and nonconsensual or dubiously consensual employment of all of the above themes and many others may also apply. Viewer discretion is advised.] 

Evie swallowed and looked at the clock again. Only a few minutes had passed. She was sure of it. Then when she’d woken up, she was surrounded by these two huge pieces of furniture that would take multiple people real time to haul around. She was sure she hadn’t seen this crib or this changing table before, so where had they come from? Was this a different room from before? It looked like the room she’d been staying in until this point, and she thought she’d seen every room in the house when Inara had given her the tour, but the more she looked around, she wasn’t sure. Whatever was going on was starting to freak her out. She felt sweat building on her face and the back of her neck, but it was undercut by another yawn escaping her mouth.

“Looks like naptime is coming for you soon, my heart,” Inara cooed as she picked Evie up under her arms and sat her on the edge of the crib with the bars down, then did the same for Amaya. Amaya managed to stay sitting up, but Evie kind of fell onto her side as she almost drifted off again.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Intimism, Chapter 6

[Standard Content Warning: This is an ABDL story blog, that means stories on this page contain diapers, diaper usage (like, lots of it), infantilism and the like! In addition, mental and physical manipulation, bondage and nonconsensual or dubiously consensual employment of all of the above themes and many others may also apply. Viewer discretion is advised.] 

“So I went back inside, ate dinner. A little after that, I went to bed…and then I woke up and you were there,” Evie said to Amaya. She didn’t mention the part where, as she went to bed, she felt her thumb slipping into her mouth. She had to admit, she wasn’t ready to confront that part yet. “Weird stuff has been happening, and at the time I hit the button, I thought Inara might be responsible, but…” Evie scratched her head. “Now I’m starting to think it’s mostly in my head.”

Amaya’s brows knitted upward. She didn’t look like she entirely bought that story, or rather, the parts of the story that were all Inara pointing all suspicion away from herself and back towards Evie’s subconscious, but…

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Intimism, Chapter 5

 [Standard Content Warning: This is an ABDL story blog, that means stories on this page contain diapers, diaper usage (like, lots of it), infantilism and the like! In addition, mental and physical manipulation, bondage and nonconsensual or dubiously consensual employment of all of the above themes and many others may also apply. Viewer discretion is advised.] 

Evie was so overwhelmed that she hadn’t been able to bring herself to refuse when Inara offered to help her get cleaned up. She hadn’t argued when she’d watched Inara slip another booster pad into another pair of MagiHeart panties and then beckoned Evie to step into them so she could pull them up. She was so covered in shame and confusion that she was all too willing to just let Inara take the reigns right now. She wasn’t even making it far enough to be relieved that the woman wasn’t sickened by her and telling her to get out of her house. She just plain didn’t understand what had happened to her to bring her to this point. She felt like she was floating outside of her body.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Intimism, Chapter 4

[Standard Content Warning: This is an ABDL story blog, that means stories on this page contain diapers, diaper usage (like, lots of it), infantilism and the like! In addition, mental and physical manipulation, bondage and nonconsensual or dubiously consensual employment of all of the above themes and many others may also apply. Viewer discretion is advised.] 

[Small note, I have a Bluesky account now! ABDL twitter seems preeeettty dead, but I'll try to keep an eye on both. I dunno, maybe I'll try and throw some micro-fiction or something on the Bluesky if any ideas jump out at me.] 

There was too many stained sheets and articles of clothing here for this to be an isolated incident, this had clearly been happening for the past couple of days at least. And Evie had only been here for a couple days. Evie just stood there in the door way, rooted to the spot, unable to do anything to avoid the slow motion car crash of Inara gathering up the evidence of all of the accidents she’d been having since she got here.

“Evie,” Inara said with a light sigh as she piled up clothes in her arms. “I do wish you’d told me this would be an issue before you’d arrived, I would have been able to accommodate your needs better.” Evie furrowed her brow and then shook her head.

“No, no, no! It’s not - I didn’t know it was — I don’t have an issue! This has never happened before, I swear!” She insisted. Between the pile of currently soaked or in-the-very-recent-past-soaked clothes and sheets in her hand and the way Evie stammered out her denial, Inara looked…..dubious. To say the least.

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Intimism, Chapter 3

 [Standard Content Warning: This is an ABDL story blog, that means stories on this page contain diapers, diaper usage (like, lots of it), infantilism and the like! In addition, mental and physical manipulation, bondage and nonconsensual or dubiously consensual employment of all of the above themes and many others may also apply. Viewer discretion is advised.] 

“Oh, would you like to help, Amaya?”

The room was dead silent besides the sounds of rainfall outside. Evie was laying on her back on a towel in the middle of the bedroom, hands over her face, too mortified to talk. Inara was smiling at Amaya. Amaya was glaring at Inara the way one glared at somebody they were about to repeatedly punch in the face. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Intimism, Chapter 2

[Standard Content Warning: This is an ABDL story blog, that means stories on this page contain diapers, diaper usage (like, lots of it), infantilism and the like! In addition, mental and physical manipulation, bondage and nonconsensual or dubiously consensual employment of all of the above themes and many others may also apply. Viewer discretion is advised.] 

“How are things going?” On the other end of the phone, Amaya heard faint scratching in the background. Her mother was doing paperwork. She was probably doing paperwork and at least one other thing during this conversation.

“It’s going fine,” Amaya said. “Evie…is enjoying herself.”

“Mmmn, I noticed,” came the response. “I thought that picture of the open ocean got a little repetitive after the fourth time I saw it, but by the seventh time, I was really starting to interpret the meaning behind it on a higher level,” she said with just a touch of sarcasm. Amaya let out a sheepish laugh.

Intimism, Chapter 1

[Standard Content Warning: This is an ABDL story blog, that means stories on this page contain diapers, diaper usage (like, lots of it), infantilism and the like! In addition, mental and physical manipulation, bondage and nonconsensual or dubiously consensual employment of all of the above themes and many others may also apply. Viewer discretion is advised.] 

[Hello, and welcome to the first story I'll be sharing in this space! If you enjoy, please feel free to leave a comment or drop me a line on twitter! (yes, I probably will make something besides a twitter eventually) I hope you enjoy and thank you for reading!]

 “Haaaah! We’re finally here!”

The peaceful sounds of waves brushing against the sand below and the soft, sunny breeze above were interrupted by an exclamation of excitement and followed up by wheels bouncing against wood. The young woman, warm blond hair flowing down her back as she came off of the boat and onto the dock, could barely contain herself.




Hello and thank you for visiting! I'm DramaPajamas, you can call me Drama, DP, or something else consisting of whatever order you can arrange those letters into. This blog is a place for me to share all of the stories I've written. 

I'm only just now getting this page and my storytelling under this name underway, so this blog is a little sparse right now. I'm going to try and use this page to list some important info and link to important stuff. For now, that's not much but I'm hoping to have some cool stuff up in the near future! So keep an eye on this space!


Standard Content Warning: This is an ABDL story blog, that means stories on this page contain diapers, diaper usage (like, lots of it), infantilism and the like! In addition, mental and physical manipulation, bondage and nonconsensual or dubiously consensual employment of all of the above themes and many others may also apply. Viewer discretion is advised.

More info coming soon!


Twitter: (I'll get a BlueSky soon, I promise)

Story Index: Google Doc

More links coming soon!